Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Bass Family Tree,

My grandfather (my father's father): George Elmore Rogers, Sr., born in Galveston, Texas, died in Houston, Texas.

His mother: Elizabeth Bettie Bass Rogers (1860-1924) (my great-grandmother) born in Old Waverly, San Jacinto County, Texas, died in Galveston,Texas


Her father: Colonel Richard Bass ( 1819-1880) born in Perry County, Alabama, died in Waverly, Walker County, Texas.

Not my great great grandfather, but a Confederate pioneer

His father: John Bass (1784-1820) born in Wayne County, NC, died in Perry County, Alabama.

Not John Bass, but a portrait from 1800s

His father: Edward Bass (v.1761-1802) (birth date and place not yet substantiated, could be Craven or Wayne County, NC; He died in Wayne County, NC.

Not Edward Bass, but an outfit worn around 1770
Sarah Bass 1764-1849 (the death date isn't the same as Edward's wife, but the birthdate is right)

His father: Richard Bass (1732-1793) born in Craven County, North Carolina. He died in Wayne County, North Carolina (SEE note below about Waynesborough)    He also was in the Revolutionary War, but I'll talk about that when I honor his birthday.

Not my relative...George Romney's Young Man with a Flute wears a gold figured waistcoat under his coat, Dallas Museum.

His father: Andrew Bass (1698-1770) born in Norfolk Independent City, Nansemond County, Virginia.

His father: Richard Taylor Basye (1658-1722) born in Norfolk Independent City, Nansemond County, Virginia

His father: John Basse (1616-1699) born in London, Middlesex County, England,  and WIFE: Elizabeth Basse, (a.k.a. Kesiah Tucker, Native American), (1618-1676) born in Kecaughton, Nansemond County, Virginia

NOTE on Richard Bass and Waynesborough... Wayne County NC was the place Richard Bass died in 1793.  His uncle Dr. Andrew Bass, b.1735, d. 1791, apparently was one of the early founders of Waynesborough, as per Wikipedia
Prior to 1730, Native Americans were the only known occupants of the territory now known as Wayne county. Settlers trickled into the territory, but there was no general movement of immigration until after 1750. Wayne County was established on November 2, 1779 from the western part of Dobbs County. It was named for "Mad Anthony" Wayne, a general in the American Revolutionary War.  By 1782 the commissioners were named. In 1787 an act was passed establishing "Waynesborough on the west side of the Neuse River on the land of Doctor Andrew Bass where the courthouse now stands."

... Waynesborough grew quickly into a bustling town. Its location along the Neuse River promoted plantation growth and successful river boat businesses. Stage coaches brought much activity and many passengers to the town, many of whom enjoyed the local taverns.
Built just over a mile away in 1839, the Wilmington-Weldon Railroad led to the emergence of Goldsboro, a town built directly along the tracks. Residents of Waynesborough began to move their homes and businesses into the new town. Within a decade, Waynesborough declined and never again recovered. By 1865 only five buildings remained in Waynesborough, all of which were burned by Union Forces in the Civil War.
Union Church, Old Waynesborough, NC
There's now an effort to establish Old Waynesborough as a tourist attraction.  Don't miss the irony of the building above depicted, after the Union Army had destroyed all the buildings remaining in Waynesborough, so my question is, where did this church come from?  Maybe built right after the Civil War?

I'm 11 generations removed from a full blooded Native American ancestor.  That doesn't give me a very big percentage.  And I'm not forgetting that most of my ancestors were Western Europeans mainly from England.  I just have learned about great grandmother, Bettie Bass' grandmother however many times removed, Elizabeth Tucker Basse, and am thrilled.

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