Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Swinging along with the breeze

For a Sepia Saturday post, I looked through my pictures of my grandchildren playing on a playground.  You'd think I would have more of these.

Several years ago, my son from Connecticut and his family visited my other son who lives in Florida and his family.  And a playground was among the joys of the visit.

It's great for me to look at these pictures, realizing how changed the kids are in just a few years.  I do love that they're having a good time with swings and being barefoot, at all ages.

So come see other children playing around in different ways for this week's Sepia Saturday!


  1. It is wonderful when cousins can get together. Most are separated by great distances today, I think - unlike my parents who always played with cousins.

  2. Barefeet and swings, not much beats those.

  3. Another evocative playground photo - thanks for sharing it.

  4. All at ease with the world and each other. Great.

  5. Lovely, to take those memories out from time to time for show and tell! Such an easy and beautiful scene.

  6. Whatever the decade the pictures were taken in, there is a common feel to such photographs of children having fun. It is the distilled universal essence of childhood.

  7. Ah yes -- dirty little feet. I remember those. Sometimes I thought I'd have to use a Brillo pad to get my kids clean.

  8. What a happy picture; the bare feet say it all!


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