Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fences, snow and trains

A popular attraction in downtown Black Mountain, right next to the working tracks.  I would imagine the kids playing in the caboose sometimes get a thrill when a train blows it's whistle and passes right next to them.

Notice the fence?  I'm sending this post to Jan & Jer's Friday Fences. Come on over and see what other fences include!

And on another subject, here's a snow picture from my childhood.  I know the folks in New England have some snow coming tonight (Thurs, Feb 7).  This was in St. Louis in the 50s.

AND, here's another photo from my family pictures of a train at a museum in Missouri which I visited with my family and especially my father who loved those big engines.  This is my mom looking flirtatious.  I'm going to contribute it to Sepia Saturday.   Come over there to see what fun snow scenes (and other things) are being shared!

 How about that?  Two Memes in one blog.  Seems kind of over the top!


  1. Our town really boomed because of the Santa Fe railroad...so sad that the train is not what it used to be. It employed so many men here....I remember in the 70's and early 80's when trucks began to take over transporting and they laid of so many people...it was terrifying. Just think how nice it would be to drive on the highways without all the semis today!!

    Great old pictures from the 50's. That sure is a lot of snow!

  2. The old train looks really interesting and I love your old snow photos.

  3. your mom was beautiful! i really loved the vintage photos!

  4. Great post - for both memes. And I am impressed that there is a meme devoted to fences. Have you ever thought of contributing to my Monday Manhole and Drain Covers meme? (Before anyone responds let me say that this is a joke - if I remember rightly that's how Sepia Saturday started!)

  5. Love that red caboose...it really pops out at ya. Its nice to look back on the past and take a walk down memory lane.

  6. Wonderful fence! And love the caboose...I worked at a train museum and we had a caboose for the visitors alongside working tracks also. And those old photos remind me of my childhood in Maryland when it would snow! Loved seeing them!

  7. Alan...I got a big laugh about the Manhole & Drain Covers meme...but don't leave out the lamp post! This is fun, getting comments from people on 2 memes. I'm going to mix some other memes another time!

  8. I can see that your Mom was a Texas treasure.

  9. It's been so long since I lived in the midwest that I've almost forgotten the feel of snow. Your pictures made me sense that texture - snow that had been shoveled, kind of crisp on top after sitting a bit - holding its shape, crunchy when you walk on it. Loved the pictures.

  10. That is a lot of snow! Your Mom is very pretty.

    Kathy M.

  11. Your Mum Took A Great Photo!A Lovely Collection of photos.

  12. That picture of your Mom is a gem - and I'm still laughing at Alan's suggestion!

  13. great shots. so fun. i love that "texas special" ... ( :

  14. Trains in America the life line that often closed towns when the trains stopping coming! Great photos- I especially liked seeing St.Louis in the 50's I lived there a short time in the late 70's!

  15. That is some snow in St. Louis - not an area I have ever associated with snow.

  16. Thanks to everyone for commenting here. It's great to hear from you. SOrry I can't reply directly, still haven't figured out why that feature doesn't seem to come available on some blogs and not on others...does anyone know how to turn it on?

  17. The caboose picture reminded me of all of the times my grandchildren and I waited at the rxr track not far from our rural home. The children would wave to all of the guys sitting on flatbed cars, or leaning out of the box cars -- and waving at the railroad guys in the caboose -- at the tail end, a bittersweet delight.

    Nice take on both memes.

  18. Your house reminds me of my husband's and my first house.

  19. This was a fun post with what seems like great memories.

    Pity Alan was joking about those manholes meme...

    I took a pic a couple of weeks ago of a nice fence, if you care to see:


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