Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More Troubles for The Flowery One

Some emails flying back and forth:

See yesterday's post about The Silent One going missing and why.  I'm sharing this touching story because it was so unexpected, to have a friend suddenly be hit so hard by events, and to just disappear.
From me:
Mon, Sept 19,2011

Dear Flowery One:

I hope that by now The Silent One has come home...

I don't know The Silent One well enough to say whether or not this is unusual for him...but I do just hope that he needed to get some space from all the people that have made him feel badly.  Not meaning you, but the whole live-in and work-there thing is kind of too connected at this point.

From the Flowery One:
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 12:00 AM
Subject: RE: Worse troubles
It's 8:50 pm and The Silent One still isn't home, nor has he called.  I'm so worried.
And no, this isn't at all like him. He'd never worry me like this unless he's lost his mind with worry and depression.  He doesn't drink so he's not at a bar, unless he's decided to start drinking now.  I can't file a missing person report until noon tomorrow, 24 hours.

Thanks for the support.

From the Flowery One
 Sept. 20
No news about The Silent One yet, but I filed the missing persons report at noon, so they're out looking for him.

Then from the Flowery One


We found The Silent One!  I've visited him in the hospital and hugged the daylights out of him. Turns out he drove a long ways in a state of shock and depression over being demoted. He took a gun before leaving. I guess he had one in the trunk that I didn't know aboutAnyway, he drove a few hours, parked out in the woods and got out of the car.

He was going to shoot himself but couldn't so he stumbled around confused and crying and got lost, laid out in the wet and cold shivering all night without a coat.  Anyway, then he decided to get help and drove back to a hospital and checked himself in. The hospital found out he'd tried to shoot himself, called the police who confiscated his gun. Then the hospital sent him to a recovery center a few miles away where he will remain for a few days. He's getting insulin, pills for depression and counseling.

Turns out that part of the reason for all this is his blood sugar had shot up to over 300 and he wasn't thinking properly. It was the added stress of being demoted plus he'd been working way too hard and not eating right. He'd also been depressed and hiding it for weeks. 
The Silent One called me and we said we'd be right there, which we did as fast as we could. We had a nice long visit with himWhat a day, but a happy ending.

More about our jobs later as we know. As it stands, The Silent One will be assistant manager and I'll continue to do activities and cleaning. 

We plan on agreeing to the new arrangements but also plan on getting new jobs as soon as possible.

More tomorrow, dear readers!  This was a terrible thing for my friend to live through, but she and her husband dealt with everything the best they knew how.




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