Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A couple of interesting sights in the car

Remember the tree at the bank I showed you last week? HERE  And this was on Tues, Oct 20, 2020

As I was coming home, this rugged jeep was uphill at the stop light, and I took its photo through the windshield. I'm sitting in Black Mountain NC and that jeep is from Montana! I dare say that's about the furthest away tourist in town right now.

Today's quote:

There is a birthing happening through women today: a new voice essential to our evolution. We are asked to be willing to stay in the discomfort of the stillness, the waiting and the brewing.

Let us honor the vague, the impulses that we cannot yet put into words. Let us hold space for each other in the insecurity, in the un-clarity, the not finding of words, the dry mouth, the stuttering.

There is a lot of pressure both from within and without to make things solid and to push for definition and clarity prematurely. As long as we try to fit our wisdom and expression into the linear, rational paradigm of communication, we will just keep creating the old and cheat the world of this deeper wisdom longing to speak through us in a different way.



  1. It seems late int he season for travel.

    1. Perhaps they are fleeing the snow of northern latitudes...as you get to experience there in Canada also.

  2. That is a huge tree, it's getting ready for winter. Your link back to the tree at the bank is not working right. I clicked on it and it opens my lists of posts on my blog. My wife tried it on her computer and it opened her lists of posts on her blog. I've never seen that before.

    1. Thanks for the heads-up on the link. I've re-loaded the right one. Funny the way you all got a list of your own posts! Blogger has become stranger and weirder with this new stuff.

  3. Montanans are known for being rugged. MT is already very cold and snowy, so perhaps they're trying to escape that.

    1. I agree completely...and by the amount of grunge on that Jeep, I dare say these people are definitely the rugged type.

  4. Maybe they're traveling to see the beautiful fall colors in your neck of the woods.

    1. I've heard of people hiking the Appalachian Trail up from the south in the spring, to arrive in ME when its spring is happening...so maybe these folks are following fall from the northern climates to the south!

  5. I can't recall the last time I've seen Montana plates. It's been years at least.

    1. I'm a sucker for looking at the "lookers" - namely the tourists that keep our town going.

  6. The leaves are falling fast--fleeting glory...

    1. You are right, and with another storm coming through in a couple of days, I'm going around clicking the shutter all I can.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.