Monday, October 26, 2020



I looked up from what I was doing...and the sky was ablaze! Walked quickly out on the balcony and clicked a few pics with the phone...I'm so glad to see the ridge of the mountains in the distance...but everything was bathed in this rosy light!

Today's quote:
Courage is your willingness to not know. 
To speak your truth. 
To walk your path.
To face ridicule and rejection.
To keep going, despite the voices in your head and the judgments of others.
And there are no guarantees you will make it.
Nobody can walk for you!
You walk in radical aloneness, naked in the face of life, no protection, no crutches, no external authority.
No ideology to save you. 
No promises anymore. 
Only the beating of the heart, and the air in the lungs, and the thrill and terror of being utterly free, and no longer numb.
And a knowing from deep within.
And the call of your ancestors.
And the ground holding you.
And the Sun warming you.
And the fragrance of love everywhere. 
And warm tears running down your cheeks.
And this gorgeous vulnerability
which makes you unbreakable.
~ Jeff Foster

Post Script
(This is added after I finished this blog, ready to publish.) Earlier in the day, while fixing breakfast, I had my Omega-3 capsule sitting on the counter, ready to take it before starting my food. I cut up my pear, then spooned 2 kinds of fat-free yogurt in the bowl with the organic pear, heated up a mug of yesterday's coffee and spooned a teaspoon of honey into the mug. Now where was that pill? I looked everywhere. I couldn't find it in the yogurt/pear bowl. And I did the honey last, so I couldn't have taken it with a swig of coffee. Then I looked closer into the mug, and saw a few globs of oil floating on the surface. That had been a clean cup, where did oil come from? Oh no. I must have dropped the capsule into the hot coffee. I was diligent and not wasteful, and tried drinking my fishy coffee for the first half cup. Then my poor coated mouth and tongue couldn't take any more. Threw that out and started with a new mug, coffee and honey!


  1. So you didn't try to hold your nose and drink it down? LOL

  2. Hello,

    Beautiful view of the sunset, great captures. LOL, fishy tasting coffee, it does not sound good.
    Take care, enjoy your new week!

  3. Beautiful sunset view there. Love the colors.

  4. I had to give up on the fish oil and switched to flax. It made me nauseated, even when it wasn't dissolved in my coffee. ;)


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.