Thursday, August 22, 2024

The bananas (or maybe the ice cream) fiasco

Wanting something rich to eat, but not being rich myself, I looked for ice cream that was flavored like cheesecake. I knew yogurt or cream cheese had that ability. I did find New York Cheesecake, but it was strawberry flavored, not my favorite flavor.

So I got extreme chocolate.
Can add the whipped cream to it, and maybe a banana and have a split.

So I go through the agony of checking out in "self-checkout" which turns off and blinks for help at every other of course it takes forever to check out of the store. I brought my own bags and the cold things (ice cream and orange juice) went in one bag. The other had breads and eggs and such. Then there were the bananas. I actually used one of the store's plastic bags because I didn't want them in either of the types of bags I already had filled.

I drive home with hot car maybe cooling off enough that the ice cream in front of the ac might not melt completely...and as I park, I realize I forgot the bananas. Because they weren't in one of my reusable bags. So...turn around and drive the 1/2 mile back to the store, park with motor running and flashers on across from the entrance (hey this is an emergency) and go with my long receipt to the manager.


Right over there, and he sends a clerk to get them out of the cart of "returnable things." They were fine. I snugged them next to the ice cream, and drove on home. Emptied the car of three bags, and put the poor mushy ice cream in the freezer.

I dutifully ate my salad from the salad bar ($2.50) with a warmed up biscuit.

Then got out the ice cream, and put a bit of whipped cream on top. After all the bananas are still green. And the ice cream is still not quite firm, which is ok because it has chocolate chunks in it.

Here we go.

Note: other days I've added not only bananas, but pecans, and caramel sauce! Loving my ice cream these days!

NOTE: yesterday I gave up, surrendered to the coughing, and canceled the dentist appointment which takes months to get (rescheduled in Oct.)! It just comes on suddenly, and strong! So I didn't like thinking of exploding in the dentist's face. Cool weather is so wonderful. Something for which I'm very grateful, even if it's short lived. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to meeting friends for lunch to celebrate my birthday at Ole's Guacamole (my favorite Mexican restaurant).

Today's quote:

The fingers of your thoughts are molding your face ceaselessly. -Charles Reznikoff, poet (31 Aug 1894-1976)


  1. I understand the trouble you went to to satisfy your craving for ice-cream.

    1. And since I eat it seldom, I enjoy having it tucked away. Can have many fruits for snacks this time of year, including those bananas!

  2. We always have supernice help at the self-checkout, wish that for you, too. They would´ve run to hand the bananas over!

    1. Our help at self-checkout is really spotty, because of the 12 machines, more than one is usually mis-behaving at any one time.

  3. ...I enjoy sugar free Jello with some whipped cream.

    1. Oooh, that sounds good, especially if it's cherry jello.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks AC. I've been thinking of myself as already 82 since January...and now I'm going to have to be 82 for another whole year! Hope it's a good one (hey, I can make my own wishes)

  5. I am so sorry about the coughing. It is tough.
    Good for you for shopping. I cannot stand it!

  6. Shopping gets more unpleasant all the time. The self checkout in one of our stores is really obnoxious and nags constantly! And I got overcharged in two different stores this week and had to get it fixed at customer service. Today I tried to complain at one of their websites, and was not able to do it, so I tried calling them and got a stupid phone tree and a long wait time with shrill music. I ended up texting them and it took them a half hour to text me back. Service seems to be a thing of the past.


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