Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Some political notes (remember this blog is about my opinions)

Project 25 by any other name

The Republicans are shying away from talk about what will happen on the first day if Trump is re-elected, but there are still plans.

From "Civil Discourse" newsletter by Joyce Vance (no relation to JD) Aug 17, 2024

"ProPublica, the same nonprofit journalism enterprise that uncovered Justice Thomas’ and Alito’s extracurricular activities with billionaires, reported last week that secret training videos for implementing Project 2025 have been created. They wrote that the 23 videos, containing more than 14 hours of content, were validated by a person with access to them.

Just some of the contents of the videos include:

  • Coaching future Trump political appointees on avoiding compliance with Freedom of Information Act disclosure requirements to prevent the release of embarrassing details.

  • Taking steps to ensure conservative policies aren’t struck down by “left-wing judges.”

  • Downplaying the seriousness of climate change as a movement that is a ploy to “control people.” A former deputy chief of staff at the U.S. Agency for International Development during the Trump administration says on camera: “If the American people elect a conservative president, his administration will have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere.”

  • The same former staffer calls gender fluidity “evil.”

ProPublica reported that based on their review of the videos, “29 of the 36 speakers have worked for Trump in some capacity — on his 2016-17 transition team, in the administration, or on his 2024 reelection campaign.”

Vance’s support guarantees continuity for the policies espoused in Project 2025 if Trump wins in November: “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”


And when Kamala Harris wins, there will be a lot of Republicans who will be ready to negate all kinds of votes, in all kinds of ways. Trump doesn't like to lose.

Well, the Democratic convention is half over by now. I mentioned in a comment to another blog that our history of politicians and politics maybe somewhat glossed over. But if you get a chance to look at the editorial cartoons down through the ages, you can see the underbelly of politics. And you probably would need a historian to give you the meanings of what you see!

Today's quote:

The decent moderation of today will be the least of human things tomorrow. At the time of the Spanish Inquisition, the opinion of good sense and of the good medium was certainly that people ought not to burn too large a number of heretics; extreme and unreasonable opinion obviously demanded that they should burn none at all. 
-Maurice Maeterlinck, poet, dramatist, and Nobel laureate (29 Aug 1862-1949)


  1. ...poor Joyce Vance, who would want to be associated with JD.

  2. So interesting to read your opinions as always. I would have thought that if it were possible to bend the rules then there would have been plenty of politicians in history who wouldn't have hesitated to do so. However sometimes a fool can succeed where wise men have failed. I rather hope that a smart woman will win and solve the problem.

  3. Exciting times we live in. So much hope--may it be fulfilled!

  4. Holding my breath until November...and then it will either be breathing again or leaving the country- or just dropping dead. This is the most vital- live or die - of all elections. On the edge....

    1. My best hope is for a landslide of electoral votes for Harris/Walz. Then no matter how many troubles the Republicans dig up, it won't really matter.

  5. Amen Barbara, Amen 🙏🏽 praying constantly 🍀

  6. I am optimistic but looking over my shoulder.

    1. Something might be sneaking up behind you, perhaps? This needs to be bigger than a landslide, so you might want to find high ground.

  7. Replies
    1. It sure is fun to watch the convention and hear some of the speeches!

  8. The return of hope and joy, it's been missing for so long.

  9. I am still very worried but more hopeful than I was. We do need a landslide and then some judges with guts when the GOP tries to overturn the election results like last time. That's an excellent quote!

  10. Ugh! I hope the orange devil melts away like the wicked witch.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.