Tuesday, August 20, 2024

From Fairy Rings to Tom Cruise

 A coolish Tuesday morning, windows open to fresh air. Remembering a few things from last week.

Fairy rings of mushrooms are always near trees, the ones that I've seen. But they certainly catch my eye. I've learned some myth tale says not to walk into the ring...ok, no problem.

This  is the marvelous cleaner which got the mold out of all those little vanes in the air conditioning unit a week or so ago. Plus Mr. Super-maintenance-man, Barry. Whew, I'm so happy!

Did you watch any of the Olympics? Since I was still recovering from Bronchiectasis I did. This guy was part of the closing ceremonies. I enjoyed so many costumes that the French  showed in the opening ceremonies...not as many in closing. 

I did chuckle at 60+ year old Tom Cruise doing his stunt of coming from the roof on a line (with his own controller on his leg!) He had also been seen at several venues watching the athletes. It didn't really seem quite appropriate for him to take the Olympic flag from France to the US to have in 2028 in the LA games. But then again, who ?

I include a favorite poet's words.

Today's quote:

No amount of belief makes something a fact.
 -James Randi, magician and skeptic (b. 7 Aug 1928)


  1. ...everyone needs a Mr. Super-maintenance-man.

  2. I had never heard of fairy rings of mushrooms around trees, but I like it. We sort of kept up with the Olympics, mostly watching highlights every now and then.

    1. I tried to see my favorites, but where I'd ask for things to be recorded, the NBC commentators often veered off into other sports. OK, the women's soccer team won gold, even if I missed the game!

  3. some one siaid to me once- that worrying is the strongest form of prayer- A story: When Dennis was a lad he had a friend whose mother would not allow the kid to do anything outside with other children because of her intense worry about polio- the other kids played in the ditch full of germs and int he mud and rain...but not the mother of worry's kid.
    Of all the children guess who got Polio....

    The worry mother- her kid was fine...

    1. So glad to hear the kid didn't get polio. What a sad story.

  4. Hi Barbara, We get some bright red toadstools in our backyard every summer for a few days. Quite attractive... Fairy rings love old tree stumps below the ground. I wasn't impressed by Tom Cruise's appearance. Would have been much more appropriate if some past Olympic champion did the closing bit and transported the flag to LA. As for steak and eggs...or even chicken fried steak and eggs at Scrambled Jakes...they aren't on the menu or I would have ordered either one. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Well, Scrambled Jakes is just not a southern restaurant at all! I used to think the rings were related to old stumps too, but more recently (in maybe the last 50 years) I came to think they could form on their own. They are kind of neat. Wonder what all your red toadstools are good for.

  5. I'd rather have fairy rings than Tom Cruise. Getting a bit tired of him, but mushrooms fascinate me!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/08/some-artwork-from-pennsylvania-academy.html

    1. I know people that know how to hunt mushrooms to find the edible ones. My memory is pretty iffy, so I can't remember what is good vs what is bad. Thanks for hosting.

  6. I did not watch the games and Tom Cruise. Hmmmm. I loved him in "Rain Man", but only there. But the costumes look great - think I should´ve watched!

    1. You probably would have enjoyed the opening ceremonies. The closing might have been better in person, but it did have lots of drama.

  7. We took a walk in the nearby park today and I saw a lot of mushrooms and we discussed fairy rings, which we did not see.


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