Friday, August 23, 2024

Made it this time!

 Yep, I made it another trip around the sun, my 82nd. Whew, the last few months had me shaking my head, would I really make it? The coughs are with me constantly. But I do have friends who help me in lots of ways. And I still am walking around and taking care of myself and my apartment, somewhat. I'm full of gratitude for all of that.

110-million-year-old MUMMIFIED dinosaur, discovered in 2011 unearthed in what is now the Athabasca oil sands. Alberta, Canada.

I've been saying that myths about dragons were created by imaginative people when they found the bones of dinosaurs (extinct a long time before humans appeared on earth.) So this particular old dragon-like dinosaur seems to be a real connection! 

My dragons I made had experimental features, as a whim might take me to put a duck-like bill on one, a unicorn horn on another. I didn't ever try these bony plates! Aren't they incredible?

OK back to my life...a dragon maker, if you will. Not sure how much more I'll do with clay...since I'm aware that clay dust is related to silica, or the worst kind of tiny particles to inhale. So I may just go pick up my supplies at the studio, and clean away all the clay that's in process at home...though it hasn't been touched in weeks.

I not only have breathing limitations, my hands don't function well at all. I've got essential tremors, which I remember my father having for many years beginning in his 60s. Can't write a thing that's legible. Thank heaven some apps let me dictate, but not this one! So far I've been able to type, but mouse control is sometimes shaky and I end up clicking on the wrong thing. That has been noticed.

Good news? It's cooler this week! Lovely days in the 70s with lower humidity. And nights are in the 60s. This is the mountain weather that I most enjoy. Now to get some endurance so I can go for walks again.

Me at 3-3/4 years holding my 3 month old sister. That baby had lots of dark hair! I was a blond until I was 6 or 7.

Me at 11

My 14th birthday, I was in Home Ec and probably made that skirt, and definitely the cake!

My first prom, winter 1956 - yellow chiffon dress

Later in high school for another winter prom, with John Baumgartner, (who I had a crush on for quite a while). Dress is white with a bright pink bow at the bodice.

My college junior year photo for the yearbook. I quit college that year and didn't get my degrees for another 20 years. 

My first job away from home, stewardess for Pan American Airlines out of Miami FL on Latin American flights (on Boeing-707s and DC-8s.) Sis is in straw hat with her boyfriend in front of a male steward friend of mine. My sis followed my terrible example and quit college in her 3 year and flew for Eastern Airlines. 

And then I got married, as I'd spent all my youth  intending to do (being romantically inclined.) Raised a family. Lived in suburbia. Got divorced. Had many jobs. Went back to college. And many other adventures with my 3 sons. 

Just wanted to get a few of my early photos together.

I'm quite grateful for today, as I start the 83rd trip around old sol. I have greatly enjoyed getting to know many bloggers here. I've got a wonderful community of friends. I live in a relatively healthy place and get all the health care I need. Our climate is within reason most of the time. I may not be rich, but I'm wealthy in my heart.

Today's quote:
Our lives are the result of all the doors we have walked through, and our continued growth depends on our willingness to keep moving into new spaces.

Sharing with Sepia Saturday


  1. Congratulations on completing another circuit! Lovely photos of you.

    1. Thank you. It's sort of amazing to see those stages of growth in my early days!

  2. Happy birthday! Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. Congratulations on such a full life! Keep it up.

  4. Happy Birthday and many congratulations o a life well-lived with more to come!

    1. I'd say I've had a very mixed life, all flavors enjoyed fully!!

  5. Happy trip around the sun day, Barbara! (NewRobin13)

  6. Dear Barbara Dragonmaker, first of all, congratulations on your birthday! The quote at the end is very true - and I think that as long as you are still willing to open new doors - be it out of curiosity, a thirst for discovery, or because you hope that there is a toilet behind them... (no joke! 😂) or because you simply feel like trying something new, it is not so important if, for example, your hands are shaking. When you talk, you sound like you have lived a life with ups and downs and then highs again (and I enjoyed seeing the photos from the past). You have lived your dreams and sometimes realized that not everything you dreamed of is soooo great. But some things are. And thats living a life!
    It is very pretty where you live; I could imagine that for myself too. (And also the temperatures, it's too hot for me here at the moment...)
    When it comes to dinosaurs and dragons, I've always had a similar feeling about them like you. The specimen they found 2011 really does resemble the dragon images from the Middle Ages. But I think your pottery one is particularly great! Wow!
    All the best from Austria, Traude

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Traude. I love that blogging shows us our shared humanity. I'll be seeing you again soon!

  7. Eighty-two orbits is an accomplishment.

  8. Happy 82nd birthday! 🎉 It’s inspiring to hear that you’re staying positive and making the most of your days despite the challenges. It’s wonderful that you have friends to support you and that you’re still taking care of yourself and your space.

    The mummified dinosaur discovery sounds fascinating! It's amazing how the remnants of ancient creatures can connect to our myths and imaginations. Your dragon creations with their unique features must be quite a sight—it's a shame about the clay dust, but it’s great that you’re aware and taking precautions.

    It’s good to hear the weather has cooled down and that you’re enjoying the milder temperatures. Hopefully, this will help you regain some endurance for your walks. Thanks for sharing your memories and updates!

    I appreciate your visit and comments.

    I invite you to read my new blog post and let me know what you think:(

    1. Thanks very much Melody. I look at lots of blogs, so will be glad to see yours soon.

  9. Well done! The photos are great. Happy birthday.
    Those physical limitations are difficult. You do so well. 🎂 🎁

    1. Thanks Jenn, I keep on keeping on. My friends advised me to keep trying to do the things that give me I've made a big decision today.

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's obvious you persevere no matter the problem & 3 cheers for that! It's the only way to be as far as I'm concerned. Something gets in the way of what you want to do, you find a way around it or discover something new to take its place. Success at our age (I've got 2 years on you) is keeping yourself physically going and your mind interested in all kinds of things. I intend to make many more circles around the sun yet - hopefully. Although I'm grateful for all the years I've had with so much to be thankful for, there's still a lot more I want to do before I say my last goodbye and it sounds like you feel the same. So here's to us and another trip around ol' sol. And by the way, I love your adorable dragon with the unicorn horn. So cute!

    1. Thanks so much Gail. I've enjoyed our sharing posts on Sepia Saturday weekly for years now! I appreciate your support too. Thanks.

  11. Hi Barbara, Happy 82nd Birthday! I beat you there by about a month...and like you, even with health issues, I'm just grateful to still be here. Love those old photos! I never went to a prom because I was attending a boys boarding school...which was both good and not so great. Pan Am was a great airline and flying in those early days was a pleasure for the passengers...and hopefully not a horrid experience for the stewardesses and stewards. Love the setting for your apartment...very calm and pretty indeed. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Thanks so much Dave. I may have to blog about the lunch I had today...if I have a good photo of my food. There were boys and girls also boarding at my school in St. Louis, but we were given social opportunities. Incidentally, the boys asked the girls to the spring proms, and the girls asked the boys to the winter proms. I only remember a couple of them.

  12. A happy birthday to you, a happy birthday to you! And the best year you've ever had.
    I too have essential tremor, since my 40s. I had a neurologist diagnose it. It's worse in my right hand and especially when I'm stressed, tired or trying really hard to accomplish something. I've taken to using my left to eat especially soup!
    You've had quite a life and there's lots more there for you.

    1. Oh shoot, a tremor in your r. hand. Good to use your left for soup. My daughter-in-law had an accident as a teen, with resultant difficulty in her hands due to brain damage, but she has raise three daughters and keeps on writing in an awkward left hand. I'm hesitant to complain when I see all she's done. But when I have forms to fill out, I ask a friend to help me. So far the mouse buttons are the worst problem mine has given me, when I click buy this or that, and it's completely wrong!

  13. Happy birthday! I remember how my dad’s hands would shake. I hope that the dictation app you use is better than the one I have. I have to correct it constantly, and then spellcheck comes in and changes things. AI is stupid!

    1. Oh yes, I do go slow and correct the silly things that it somehow thinks I said. But even then, it's worth the help if I am having a really shaky day.

  14. I regret that I'm a couple days late your blogger party. I hope there's still some cake left! Congratulations and best wishes for adding another day/year. You've been blessed with many riches, indeed, but your smile looks like your most priceless treasure. That first one with your little sister made me smile, too.

    1. Thanks for stopping by...there are a few pieces of chocolate candy left...cake all gone! The first photo doesn't quite capture my huge trepidation at this wiggly worm little sister.

  15. From Scotsue - you may have reached the grand age of 82, but you can still write entertaining and original posts. I am a year behind you and know all about chronic coughs and arthritic knees, but we soldier on and do what we can - onwards and upwards!!

    1. Definitely the song we sing. I just found out we're considered the silent generation. We sure spent the 50s behaving ourselves. And fortunately there were also the 60s an 70s in which to explore!


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