Sunday, October 22, 2023

After the Cousins Day

 I forgot at least one thing. For me that's about average.

We met at 11 for lunch, to beat the crowd. And it was a good thing. There's a music festival in town, called LEAF. Plus our natural leaves are at peak here in Black Mountain, so leaf peepers are also here. And it was a wonderful shirt sleeve warm but cool fall day with bright sun and blue, deep Carolina blue skies. (Actually the college that has blue as it's color doesn't come close to this blue!)

We did selfies before being seated. Mine didn't come out all that well, so I hope someone else will have a better one.

When Chris reached to push the white button on my phone, her head disappeared!

Our waitress was accommodating and took a photo of all of us!
After lunch we went by Lake Tomahawk, so the cousins now know what that's like. Then I tried to get to Lake Eden, but that's where the LEAF festival was happening. Too bad, because it's the site of Black Mountain College, and has one building left from back then. John, being a college music teacher, knew all about Black Mountain College of we were sorry to miss that.

and I couldn't remember what LEAF stood for anyway. So we went to the Folk Art Center on the parkway. There were occasional beautiful trees along the way, and we stopped at several overlooks, and took each other's photos, alongside people from all over the world!

the man on the motorcycle decided not to stop and he and cute pup went on their way.

Chris, John and Cindy...and then I tried to get single shots of each of them, but the one of John escaped me.

I do like catching people looking natural, rather than posed all the time!

Then we came to my house and had some pie and glasses of water. This is where I forgot the ice cream for the pie. Oh dear. Shall I tell them what they missed?

We looked through some of the old photos on my Ancestry sites...and they want me to send some of them to them. Now if I can just remember how I did that before...

That was when I found out my google emails had disappeared for a couple of months, including the time I emailed some photos from Ancestry to another cousin. So I can't figure out what worked that time and do it again. It's really bizarre to have months worth of my emails disappear!

So we had a light dinner, early so they could again get on the road back to Columbia SC. They took 3 hours coming up here, so that's what they planned on going home. They had to drive toward the sunset at 6:30 going west on I-40, while I drove back to my apartment with tears in my eyes...that sunset didn't help much! Now I know the feeling whenever I left one of my other relatives who always would cry as we said goodbye. 

A quote for today:

Each one of us is very much needed and we all have our role to play adding to the success of the whole.


  1. Wonderful photos of you and your cousins, looks like a fun day. I like the doggie on the motorcycle. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  2. Seems like a very fine visit. One trick with selfies, especially group selfies, is to activate the 10 second timer and then set up the photo.

  3. A sweet reunion at a lovely time in your neck of the woods.


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