Saturday, October 21, 2023

The cousins day visit

On a personal note, I'm about to hostess three cousins today. And since I haven't anything else to publish, I'll show you what they look like...from old photos. And then soon I might have some newer ones to add!

I know I am just doing a lick and a promise on cleaning my apartment, which they do want to see. But when you enter through the kitchen, that's the first impression for folks. So I cleaned it up Thursday...and I then love making things in clean kitchens, so I made a quiche!! Had to clean things up again after eating a slice of course. Then I baked a Dutch Apple Pie. Not as much clean up there. 

Here I am with cousin John, 2 summers ago.

This is Chris when her 3rd great grandchild was born! At least a year ago.

And this is Cindy with her new glasses in 2018.

We're meeting for lunch, then probably going to my apartment. Then John said he'd like to see the Folk Art Center, which lets us drive up on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I keep seeing good color in other's photos of it. But yesterday there was a rain, so lots of leaves are now on the ground.

Today's quote:

We don’t know what life will bring, so it is what we bring to life that matters.


What a lot of my branch of the family looked like in 2012...lots of growing by the little people in the last 11 years of course. 


  1. Lovely photos of your cousins. I hope you had a fun visit and lunch. The apple pie sounds yummy. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Eileen...I really enjoyed all your critters this morning too!

  2. Replies
    1. I have very few, but just haven't seen much of them. Two have started chatting with me on Facebook, so that's a nice social media friendship.

  3. I haven't seen family since before covid.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.