Monday, October 23, 2023

To Counter Cynicism and Apathy

 Link to Power of Intent, Channeling Cynicism into Purposeful Action.

Surprising ways to counter cynicism and apathy

Practice empathy: Starting with yourself..."

Cultivate gratitude

Limit exposure to harmful media

Continuous learning and growth

Limit the scope of your engagement

Find community

Source: Americans of Conscience Newsletter Oct 20, 2023
They provide a check list...
"The AoC Checklist features clear, well-researched actions for Americans who value democracy, equality, voting, and decency. We are a big tent for all people who want a kinder, flourishing nation."
It states "This week's checklist features actions from The Sunrise Movement, us, NRDC, Union of Concerned Scientists, Showing Up for Racial Justice, and more creating positive change in our nation."
There are 13 possible actions suggested, to contact the various institutions involved in pertinent issues.
So far I'm just looking and lurking with this new (to-me) newsletter. They say...

If you believe that 

diversity is our nation’s greatest strength

respect, truth, and compassion matter

we can create a brighter future together

You are an American of conscience.


  1. Hello,
    I want a kinder flourishing nation! Great post! Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Those are great words...and go well with my desire for a peaceful world...especially at this time!

  2. I have a hard time with cynicism and apathy.

    1. They tend to feed upon each other...yum yum..."ain't it awful!"

  3. I don’t struggle with apathy, but I’m probably a cynic. It’s hard to limit your exposure to harmful media and still be informed. Just reading world news is harmful to my mental health because it is so discouraging.

    1. It did take me to fast forward some war stories lately as I always watch the recorded versions. Keep on taking care of your own mental health!

  4. I grew up in downtown Toronto. It was a wonderful mix of cultures, religion and people with varied experiences. Now, I just hide out in my forest!

    1. That is had playmates who didn't always look like you (color of skin) nor talk with the same accents. I wish all kids had that experience. Of course being in the woods is healthier for everyone!

  5. I don't feel comfortable making calls from the AOC checklist but I will send emails or sign petitions. I figure even a little bit helps. I have sent postcards too.

    1. I just sign petitions and send letters. Yes postcards are also good to do! They must count. They are using the products of trees!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.