Saturday, April 29, 2023

To do every day

So I don't have clear vision, with two nice eyes with wrong prescription glasses from before cataracts were removed...and when I thought I posted this May 7, I found it had a reverted post for April 7. So here it is anyway!  

Simple 5 standing exercises for lungs. YouTube video. 

Shaolin Qi Gong for lungs

This is my buddy. I love his leading these simple movements...and he goes all out! I tend to do my own version, stretch a bit, but not to over-do it.

Today's quote:

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life…and the world.


Tom's comment:

...I love the music!


  1. I don’t know this Qi Gong master but I’ll check his exercises. The one I had been following is a Vietnamese monk, who studied in France with another Vietnamese monk. His name is Thich Man Tue and on YouTube he is at Qigong Meditation. I need to go back to his exercises. He has some short videos and some longer ones. His last one is Maintain good health, prevent illness (

    1. OOOh, thanks so much for more great reources for good health. Some friends of mine are currently watching a series of lectures by Ocean Robbins (I think that's his name) with various western medicine well as dietician folks to bring a healthy diety into the mix. I watched it last year. It was right in line with the cardiologist Dr. Ornish who devised my rehab program that I had after my heart attack. Staying healthy is on top of my list of daily activities.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.