Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Pearson Falls, part 2

 As I post this, I'm on the way to the dentist today. Finally (hopefully) to get a tooth extracted which was under the bridge which broke last month. Then I can come home and relax...and take some Tylenol for the pain. And nap maybe. So I hope everyone else enjoys Tues.

Some dying flowers, but some were just like them on the other side of this rock...

We enjoyed our walk, stopping to see the flowers all along the way!

Today's quote:
 "Strength of feeling, reverence for mystery, and clarity of intellect must be kept in balance with one another. Neither the passive nor the active must dominate, they must work in conjunction, as in a marriage,"
 and "I'm not very good at praying, but what I experience when I'm writing a poem is close to prayer."


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks...and actually we would have enjoyed a picnic anywhere along the way to the top of the trail...but didn't bring food!

  2. Hope all went well at the dentist and thanks for leaving this relaxing post for us to enjoy!

    1. The tooth came out easily...now to recover from the novocain! Love my dentist.

  3. That doesn’t sound like fun. I can’t imagine getting a tooth pulled as an adult.

    1. Well, they don't tell you, but a bridge is expected to last 15 years. And assuming we live longer than that, then there has to be a next step. Mine lasted over 20 years...but last winter I got an infection in this tooth...which fortunately was all cleared up by today. So she said, it's got a nice straight root, so it will be easy to pull. She poked around the gums getting it loose, then popped it out. My next step is to take lots of Tylenol now, as the novocain wears off!

    2. Talking about a dental bridge, not one on the Pearson Falls trail!

  4. Hope all goes well at the dentist. Please take care there and thank you for the beautiful photos of your walk.

    1. Thanks Robin. All went well at dentist. My affirmation was "All shall be Well." and before I knew it, she was through. I sat in the car a while to settle my nerves, then drove a practically empty interstate at 11:00 home again.

  5. What wonderful greenery!
    I hope your dental work is still good.
    I had an old tooth root pulled a fortnight ago and the one next to it is grumbling... loudly!! Hopefully to be sorted tomorrow

    1. Ah yes, the needs of our mouths do change as we grow older. I would never have forecast I'd get a molar pulled so easily, nor when I'm in the midst of my 80th year!

  6. I'm glad the tooth is out and you are good. That is no fun. I enjoyed your spring foliage!

    1. Thanks Jenn. It was nice to immerse myself in the greenery last week!

  7. Beautiful waterfalls. I hope you sleep well.

  8. Lovely pictures! I had a doctor appointment today but nothing as drastic as the tooth extraction. I see in the comments that it went well, so that’s good.

  9. Oh, my goodness, this makes me long to be out in the woods. I think woods plants are some of the most beautiful plants there is.


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