Wednesday, May 4, 2022

In the shade we find...


A whiter shade of pale...lots of white azaleas. The grassy green in the foreground will become much taller and present us with day lilies in a few months. And of course all the azaleas will be just green bushes by then.

And there beneath the old maple tree are found the tiny precious lilies of the valley.

Today's quote:

 “The moment is not properly an atom of time but an atom of eternity. It is the first reflection of eternity in time, its first attempt, as it were, at stopping time.”


  1. Beautiful flowers, the azalea is lovely. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen...I guess I'm dawn to the brightness of the fuschia colored azaleas. I don't pay that much attention to the white ones. They are quickly gone...both of them. Have a great Wednesday!

  2. I always had more luck growing lily-of-the-valley than with azaleas. In fact when I tended my mother's garden I used to give away great clumps of lily-of-the-valley every year without it ever getting any less.

    1. They are favorites for so many people, you must have had lots of friends thankful for your clumps of lily-of-the-valleys.

  3. ...when I was in the nursery business there never seemed to be enough white azalea. Growers always grew more ink and red ones and they were easier to find. White gardens are classy.

    1. I must not have ever been classy...liking those bright colored azaleas as my first choice. Now I look at nature, and the Rhododendrons are about to burst into flower! Out I go for a walk with the iPhone camera!

  4. You have some lovely blooms, Barbara, and azaleas are lovely, even if short lived. We never had any white blooms. Lily of the valley is such a fragrant and prolific flower and we had them in our NJ and VA yards, when we were homeowners years ago.

    Thanks for your comment today on my post about annoying calls and junk mail. You are correct that I didn't mention other types of spam in blogs and emails as the post seemed long enough (sigh). While I do not monitor blog comments, I do check them at least daily and immediately delete spam or suspicious ones. And, like yourself, I do mark them as spam before deleting so we are on the same track there. I have noticed that a few really annoying spammers have not left comments in quite a long time, so perhaps what you and I have been doing and others as well has had some results, we all hope!

  5. oh, what a fun place to watch through the seasons!

    1. We will have some day lilies for the summertime. Not much else happening, besides what residents put on their porches!

  6. So much beauty around you, great shots! I love your new header, it beautiful.

    1. Thank you...I'm figuring out what the camera on my iPhone is capable of...landscape photos are better than portraits!

  7. Lovely landscaping! I hope the tooth issue was resolved.

    1. A tooth that didn't get put under my pillow! Really now, the tooth fairy would have been quite surprised to see such an old tooth, I'm sure!! Not as much painful aftermath as I was anxious about. That's such a relief. Well, expecting the worst means anything better would be a relief!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.