Thursday, May 5, 2022

How we love nature (as long as it doesn't crawl on our counters!)

The peonies have started to bud. But I don't see any ants. They are needed for something in this flower's health, but with all the sterilization of our grounds, there may be few ants to be found.

I voted yesterday...early voting for the primaries in our county's libraries is really easy. I was just the 435th person to do so at our little library. But just thinking that my efforts may help get Madison Cawthorn out of the'd better believe I want my vote to count! Most unfortunately he is our district's representative. What a disaster!

Another topic just came to my in box...An Exo-planet. A short video follows.

The Flame Azaleas (native to North Carolina woods) have all burst into color.

And now I must make a mundane statement about the prices we're trying to live with these days. This week I finally was able to buy some water for the C-Pap machine. The grocery store has been out every time I've looked in the last 2 years. But the cost used to be a bit over $1.00...and now each gallon costs $1.50. There are actually quarts for sale also, at $1.00 each. The gallons have increased in price by 50%. I can, and have lived without using any water in my machine. That may need to be my choice again soon.

I was unable to purchase my choice of brand of toilet tissue. They have a huge stock of a brand I don't like...this store has the habit of filling shelves with whatever they happen to have, rather than stocking the variety of brands which they used to have. So I got something that is totally made from recycled materials. Yay me. I've been recycling for years, and finally am going to use one of the end products of that effort.

Today's quote:

 “If our heart were large enough to love life in all its detail, we would see that every instant is at once a giver and a plunderer.”

Gaston Bachelard 


  1. I hope your district manages to vote Cawthorne out of office.

    1. Somehow...there are two possibilities as of today...getting a strong Democrat who can beat the Repubs in a gerrymandered district which is heavily Repub...or just getting another Repub to beat him in the primary!!

  2. Please, please, please vote that jerk out of office. May he languish in ignominy forever.

    1. I think even an ex president should question his endorsement of him!

  3. Thank you for voting and trying to get Cawthorne out of office. I so appreciate your effort. I'm starting to worry about supply chain issues again. Such a bummer.

    1. Yes, I'm aware that the closure of business in China does affect our grocery shelves...and especially our tech supplies.

  4. I certainly hope you can vote him out of office. He's an embarrassment not just to your district but to the whole country.

    1. It's pretty amazing how one guy can be so well known for his awfulness!

  5. Inflation is higher here than in the past 30 years, and I would have guessed it to be even longer.

    1. A bit of a dilemma for us on fixed incomes. I can live without that water in my C-Pap, as I already found out. When these 2 gallons are gone, I'll probably go without. Gas in the car is more important.

  6. Similar problems here with stock in the supermarkets. It can be annoying when they stop stocking your favourite products. (I seem to have a lot more 'favourites' now than when I was younger, when anything used to suffice!)

    1. Good point. Our favorites have evolved through trial and error through our lives!


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