Monday, May 2, 2022

Pearson Falls trip - part one

   These photos were taken on April 27, 2022

Though it's high pollen season, it had rained a few days before, so the new green leaves just vibrated with brightness!

Helen carried her flower i.d. book, and thus named everything we saw. Surprisingly late in wild flower season there were plenty of beauties to see. (When the leaves are on the trees, there are few wild flowers in bloom.)

White rhododendron were blooming in a few purple ones though!

A Cock Robin Trillium

We walked along a trail going up while the cascades of water came down the steep ravine.

This white trillium was the only white one we saw, and it was growing right next to the trail...with huge leaves!

There were fresh wood shavings along the path while the rest of it was stone steps. Not too hard to climb, and lots of railings when the ground sloped away from the trail steeply.

There's a tiny red nubbin of a flower that Helen's book identified...mainly by the pretty leaves.

Then we saw the first Jack in the Pulpit flower. Here's an upside down angle looking back towards my own feet to try to see the curve of the flower.

Looking straight down doesn't do it justice.

A very sturdy bridge, mostly stone, in two sections, took us to the other side of the stream.

But we did see more!
Tomorrow folks...

Today's quote:
Let us be gentle to each other this brief time,
For we shall die in exile far from home,
Where even the flowers can no longer save.
Only the living are healed by love.
May Sarton


  1. What a beautiful walk you had there. I so love seeing the Trillium. We haven't seen any blooming since we left the Sierra foothills. Thank you for reminding me this beauty.

    1. So glad to share...though I was late this morning! I have good memories of walks with Trillium too!

  2. saw some gorgeous things!

    1. Sorry to post almost every single photo I took! It was a lovely walk!

  3. That's a gorgeous walk! I've seen white, purple and red rhodies blooming here, but my orange one will take quite a while more. It's about a month later than the rest.

    1. There are a few bright pink/purple ones about to open at church. I'll have to look around to see if anyone has an orange one!

  4. That was a lovely adventure. That reminds me that I have a jack-in-the-pulpit in my garden. It is really difficult to photograph!

    1. I've got some more photos of another jack-in-the-pulpit for tomorrow!

  5. That is a beautiful walk. I was reading up on some possible waterfalls we could visit sometime soon.

    1. Oh that's great, I'm sure you have some pretty ones there!

  6. Of all things, I have never seen a white trillium...only in photos.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.