Friday, September 17, 2021

More of plant sale


The woman in the pink/red hat is Gail Jackson, the former Director of the Black Mountain Center for the Arts. I'll show the huge pup of a dog another time, Bruno, who is behind his owner in the blue shirt.

The sale took place on Sept. 11, 2021, which explains why the flag is at half mast.

Mellie Mack's nursery sales area...

Interesting red brick planters from Maine...they came a long way!

My mouth watered when I saw these ripe figs. But I need a fig tree in a bucket like (another) hole in my head.

Today's quote:

Whether you choose to give a gift or share your friendship, remember that it is the intention behind the thought that is most important.


  1. Hello,
    The native plant sale is a great idea for the community. I love that cute frog.
    Hubby has a hard time now, keeping the garden and plants alive. Have a happy day and a great weekend!

  2. I'm going to be gathering some plants locally - from my daughter's garden. I also put out a request to the guy who did the Hosta seminar to purchase from him. It is planting season.

  3. That birdhouse scarecrow is pretty cute!

  4. Lots of cool stuff for the garden there. Great that these sales can take place once again.

  5. I really don’t give a fig for these events. ;)


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.