Saturday, September 18, 2021

Just look at those "wives"!


Bess Truman organized classes for cabinet and government wives, taught by Cuban, Ramon Ramos, in 1945.
And I wonder if they were Spanish classes? The photo id didn't mention that.

Can you identify Bess Truman?

I wasn't able to, but by process of elimination I think she's standing next to the only man in the pic, and not wearing a hat.

I can recognize Mamie Eisenhower, but not Bess Truman, nor come to think of it Mrs. Nixon, but of course Lady Bird Johnson. And no idea what Mrs. Ford looked like, though I think she did start the Betty Ford Treatment Center for alcoholism and drug addictions...kudos to her. Yes I know other first ladies, but apparently selectively. 

Harry and Bess Truman

Betty Ford
Pat Nixon in her Inaugural Ball gown

There, I've got to learn about those other First Ladies!

And on another topic...the sad loss of lives to's a link to the NPR story about an art installation which will be installed Oct. 1 of white flags, one for each of the 600,000 Americans who've died from this pandemic. 

Sharing with Sepia Saturday for this week!

Today's quote:

If I could summarize nonviolence in one word, it would be: patience.



  1. Hello,
    I have forgotten most of the president's wives, at least what they looked like. I do remember Jacqueline Kennedy.
    The art memorial for the Covid victims sounds lovely. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. I hope the memorial installation will be assembled soon.

  2. Interesting bit of history on the First Ladies. No such gathering, thankfully, would happen now unless they called it "cabinet and government significant others". Too bad that installation didn't go up before today's event outside the Capitol.

    1. The installation will each day need more flags...sad to say. I didn't listen to the news to see what the crazies did today...hope it wasn't too bad.

  3. ...and none looked like Melania.

    1. Oh my goodness, I forgot how well she stood out - like a sore thumb.

  4. People dressed differently in those days. Times have changed.

    1. Yes, that was our parents' generation. We've moved through it to see our children's choices for dress for business.

  5. I didn't recognize anyone, but if I got a magnifying glass and took a closer look I might have.

    1. I have no idea who all the wives were...but the teacher was the only man.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, and a bit strange if those women were to run into people working in the Capitol these days.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, but I never studied their terms of presidency. They got skipped in American history, and I don't know what he really accomplished.

  8. The hats in the unique photo you found are amazing! I was unaware of the flag installation -- such a sad, moving visual of the losses from Covid 19. Thank you for posting.

    1. I don't know when the flag installation will get put up, but apparently the artist has received the permission needed for it. Yes didn't those women wear interesting hats!

  9. I really love hats, but I’m not a big fan of many of these. I wonder why. I couldn’t identify Bess Truman either. I think I could identify most modern First Ladies, but I may be giving myself more credit than I deserve.

    1. I'm glad I found photos of Bette Ford and Bess Truman!

  10. Thanks for teaching me about this class for wives of political figures. I have the same guess about which woman is Bess Truman.

    1. Still learning these 20th century ladies. Now to learn the First Wives before Eleanor Roosevelt!

  11. A fascinating choice of topic and I loved seeing the fashions of the day worn by the political wives.

    1. They did represent the women who were important enough to have husbands in the various official jobs!

  12. My mother was always proud that she and some friends in her Univ Maryland sorority were invited to have tea with Mamie Eisenhower at the White House. One of my favorite books on US Presidents is one you might like to read: "Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure: The True Story of a Great American Road Trip" by Matthew Algeo, 2011. It's an account of the author following the route Harry and Bess made in 1953 when just the two of them drove from the east coast back to Missouri. Truman had left office and it was a time when presidential security was much simpler.


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