Thursday, August 5, 2021

Spectrum repair work

 A very competent service technician came an hour late, and then stayed for an hour and a half...tracing some cables in the attic, which of course was hot work.

I was very grateful when he started to put the TV back, but continued to have flickering reception, so he clipped the ends of the  cable, and replaced the cable tips (you know, those ends which have a wire sticking out of a screwed on link) I finally had TV, as well as the internet restored.

He even picked up the biggest blobs of fiberglass that had fallen on the floor, before I did the first vacuuming in weeks. I was glad that I'd put a sheet over the bookcase full of books too. 

Mike was his name. He was outfitted with lots of supplies hanging from his tool belt...and was able to do everything he needed to get the connections to work. Apparently there had been something done wrong in the attic, so that's why he had to spend 1/2 hour up there. Fortunately the day had been cloudy so it probably wasn't as hot at it might have been on an Aug. evening. I provided a tall glass of water for him after he took off his N-95 mask.

I'm not sure how I should respond to one of the customer surveys that the Spectrum Co. sent out. He went well beyond what I expected, but he also had to clean up what ineffectual technicians had done before him. Somehow I don't think the standard customer service reviews will have a place for that. But I'll say that Mike did an excellent job.

He also told me that he would describe his work such that I wouldn't have to pay for it. I will wait till his work description has gone through before I request a credit for the 5 days that I was without internet, and also TV. For me, the Internet was the most bothersome thing.

I didn't enjoy carrying my laptop into the library twice...nor parking outside the laundry or the pizza place where I had their internet connections. One morning I carried my laptop into a coffee shop, when I wasn't able to pick up their internet from the parking lot right outside their wall. Twice I went in the church where I could use the internet connection before or after the church program.

All of the laptop toting meant that I pulled something in my back (or maybe I did that before and it just began to bother me then) so my back is now in spasms. If it isn't one thing...

So I start taking these lovely sleep inducing muscle relaxing pills for the back spasms when I'm ready to go to about a half hour actually. 

What have I learned with 5 days of no home internet or TV service? That I really missed it. That I read 4 complete books. That I can live without some entertainment, but missed seeing any of the Olympics.

I'm definitely Thankful Thursday for Mike's wonderful work.


  1. Hello,
    I am glad your internet and cable was finally fixed. I would miss my internet connection.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Hi again...from my very own desk! No more need to carry this laptop, which may start out as 2 pounds, but seems like 200 by the time I get it home! So glad to have heard from you while I've been absent some of the time!

  2. ...we have been pleased with Spectrum.

    1. I'm glad you have. I just can't understand how they offer all these cheap deals on TV and then they are only available for new customers. Why don't they say so in the ads?

  3. Five days is a long time, living without the things to which we have become accustomed.

    1. I survived, and hurt my back...and got some important glimpses of what you bloggers were saying. Now I'm a bit more dipsy with the muscle relaxants.

  4. We ate so dependent on the internet it is almost impossible to conduct daily life without it.

  5. So glad it went well. Of course you shouldn't be charged for his visit.

    1. Well, the monthly bill arrived today, and I'm going to wait till tomorrow to call and ask for my 5 days without to be refunded. Fingers crossed.

  6. I am so glad that the cable connection was repaired. It's hard to be without connections these days. We rely so much on the internet for news and social interaction. Hope your back starts to feel better.

    1. Thanks for good wishes too. I'm really happy to be back sharing comments with my little blogging community!

  7. Is it possible to do anything these days without someone asking us to fill in some kind of customer satisfaction questionnaire? I'm glad to hear that you found an engineer who knew the job and gave satisfaction. It's a pity he could fix bad backs too - I've had some of those relaxing pills for back spasms and slept like I'd been hit over the head with a log.

    1. Mike had just retired from 20 years in the Army, and he laughed when I guessed his age at 30. But he still was agile when climbing into the attic...compared to other repair-men who have become pretty unable to bend over.

  8. I get very testy without any Internet. It's my news, my family/friend connector, my work, my hobbies, etc. all rolled into one.

  9. I rarely answer feedback surveys. At least the problem is solved.


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