Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A lunch date!!

 Going out to lunch today (Thurs) with a good friend who I haven't spent much time with for one reason or another. It will be good to catch up. And photos will follow...

My friend on right, and another of her friends who I just met on left...who had a dog so was happy to sit outside.

Husband of my friend's friend, and just look at that VW!

Open Oven is a nice lunch spot...indoor or outdoor seating, and a bit of a crowd today! It was just 81 or so outside.  They are constructing a bar upstairs as an outdoor balcony kind of place.

Half of the grilled cheese sandwiches, which I had with a salad on the side. Lots of cheddar! Tomorrow I'll have to eat nothing but veggies! Cheese is frowned upon by the Plant Based food people. Just think of all that fat! Oops. But there wasn't much else available without meat. 


  1. Looks like a lovely place for a lunch date.

  2. ...the husband of my friend's friend looks excited to be there!

    1. He was happy to eat, answer direct questions. I didn't get much of a conversation with my friend. She knew these other two people well, and they just picked up about their travels. Oh well. They had Canadian and American passports, and were trying to figure out if they wanted to go to Canada in a few weeks. It was interesting to consider.

  3. Hello,

    It is nice to get out for a lunch date with friends. The grilled cheese looks yummy.
    Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. Hi Eileen...I did enjoy the high fat lunch...a nice change from my usual fare. I enjoyed listening to their conversation.

  4. It's nice to get out and eat something different, even if it's frowned upon. I eat way too much cheese!

  5. It looks like a pleasant outing, but I guess you would have preferred it to be without the extra company.


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