Friday, August 6, 2021

My little flowers in August

 Having a potted garden on the porches of my apartment means changing their positions every once in a while, to get more or less sun. I may have shared some of these before...pardon my memory!

The fruit of my organic beefsteak tomato sprouted, and this is the only vine which I've kept growing...and may get 3 to eat, if they ever turn red. Or perhaps they'll be fried green ones.

This is the first time I haven't cut off the blooms of a Kalanchoe and these plants seem to be doing ok.  I took some cuttings of another plant, rooted them in jars of water, and gave them away last weekend. These are really hardy plants (but have to go inside during the winter.)

A nice hydrangea growing in a nook by a building.

Sharing with Floral Friday Fotos.


  1. Hello Barbara,
    Your plants are beautiful, I love having some potted flowers around our deck. The hydrangea is lovely.
    I think the deer have eaten our tomato plant, it is not doing well. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. I'm amazed how many different colors hydrangeas are in this town! Sorry your deer got your tomato plant. They aren't known to be patient until after you've harvested the fruits. Have a great weekend yourselves, and stay safe out there!

  2. A friend just dropped off some tomatoes for us. SO much better than supermarket ones.

    1. Aren't they just amazing? And I might be able to purchase a couple tomorrow at the Tailgate here, but since I just bought 3 at the market, I will have to really push myself to do so!

  3. Pretty plants. I am growing a few tomatoes this year. We have had so much rain they are growing and green but slow to actually give us fruit.

    1. I keep worrying that this plant isn't getting enough sun, because of course the sun is sliding further south each day. I'm not counting on eating those tomatoes.

  4. ...I have been busy rooting coleus and now have then all over the place.

    1. I love coleus, especially the beautiful red/yellow/green varieties. For some reason I never picked any from plants around town this summer, and don't want to start them this late. I'm already thinking how I'll really cut back which ones to bring inside for next fall.

  5. Our tomatoes look like yours right now. Green and not a hint of red. Hoping for more sunshine here. Your flowers are looking lovely.

    1. Thanks, I've put the sad burned out petunias on the porch floor. Maybe they'll come back as it gets cooler next month, but I'm not counting on it. I keep purchasing tomatoes, so am not counting on these to ever get ripe.

  6. Lovely to have some colour to look at around the deck.

    1. Yes, and I do have to remember to go water them all when there's no rain!

  7. The odd thing is that we call them fries too, but we call the trucks chip trucks. It's one holdover from our England heritage. I mean, Fry Trucks just wouldn't be right. :)

    1. Ha're right on about the Fry Trucks...I immediately think of garbage trucks.

  8. A porch garden is a real pleasure. Yours is lovely.

  9. Barbara, Mostly herbs on our deck right now. My wife does have 2 planters with flowers blooming on the front porch. Our cone flowers are about done...but now the finches will start in on the seeds. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  10. Pretty plants! Have a good weekend.


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