Monday, May 17, 2021

In the 'hood


I see this plant out my living and bedroom windows...close to another apartment building. A few days ago I walked right up to it and took photos. I think it's a very big azalea.

The last pretty azalea of the bright pink variety, and a hanging planter with an unknown plant.

Some apartments have ramps rather than stairs to the porches and entrances...probably designed for disabled residents. I like the plants this apartment always displays.

As I walked near Walker St, I saw these yellow flowers growing wild in the shade.

Another flower I don't know.

My big event on Sunday was taking my empty 10 gallon aquarium and all its paraphernalia over to the give-away table in the laundry room. I had thrown the pump away earlier, to insure that I didn't start another tank full of fish, which would require frequent tending. I'm determined to reduce the amount of things I have to care for. That's because this old person keeps having more demands to take care of myself! I've forgotten to take my vitamins now for 3 days! Oh dear...

Today's quote:

“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.”



  1. If you walked near Walker Street, what would you have to do if there were a Runner Street? We should have a Hobble Street around here.

    1. And how about galloping? Or skipping? Thanks for going beyond, or behind!

  2. Replies
    1. I'm easily satisfied, aren't I? There are also people who wave or say hi to each other in passing.

  3. Spring really is so lovely there!

    1. Thanks, hope you have a great spite of it being Monday. Here at least the sun is shining and the chance of rain is half what it was when I went to bed last night.

  4. What a beautiful looking neighborhood you live in.

  5. So much beauty in May! I love the purples and greens in your header.

  6. So you gave up on the terrarium idea. Probably just as well since it does require close care to get started. Azaleas are all beautiful.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.