Sunday, May 16, 2021

I'm walking for exercise again


I wanted to sit out on my front porch on Sunday, Mother's Day. But I kept waiting for the 70 degrees forecast, and the windy cloudy 60s just weren't as welcoming. I finally did have a half hour in a bit of sunshine!

I walked down our steep hill, then up half way, stopped to photograph some flowers, then came the other half way back home. Whew...good for me!

The porch is looking a bit more welcoming I think.

There goes the flame azalea, and all those thin leaves are promising the day lilies.

Yes the lilies of the valley have bloomed a's past their peak.

I stuck my nose and the iPhone down among the picture, but my nose is still out of whack.
That's from the pneumonia, I got tested and didn't have COVID.

Even picking one flower and bringing it home, I failed to smell a thing.

This is the last azalea bush still blooming. Sorry to lose these beautiful colorful blooms for another year.

This is the anniversary of my having a stent inserted via my veins into my heart, which was the result of having a heart attack that was not like the medical descriptions usually say. But they do admit women experience different symptoms. Mine were 3 days of pain in neck and shoulders such that I couldn't sleep. Even though I went to my primary care doctor, he just changed one of my blood pressure medicines. So I got a friend to finally drive me to the ER, and they tested and tested and tested and finally found I didn't have COVID, and had had a heart attack.

No wonder I feel so good that I'm still walking around and talking to you all here!

Today's quote:
“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”


  1. Good morning,
    The plants are pretty, I love the azaleas. I am glad your friend took you back for more testing and your are feeling better.
    The walking is good exercise. Take care, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

    1. Thanks, and I'm sure you're having a good day looking at nature, one way or another!

  2. Wow! The hosta in the second pic is big. Ours are still just a few inches tall.

    1. We've definitely had some hot days...and rain too. Lots of green things and blooming things.

  3. ...and I have been working every day in my garden, I sleep well at night!

    1. That's will have a lot to show for your efforts soon!

  4. I'm glad you are out walking again. Hopefully soon you'll be able to smell those lovely blooming flowers there.

    1. That's my hope also. Though I do have a good friend who lost her sense of smell years ago. I guess it isn't the end of the world!

  5. Lovely flower pics. Isn't this time of year glorious here in our mountains!

    1. You said it. Time to be outside as much as possible.

  6. Nice photos, love your header and your porch looks very nice and welcoming.

    1. I wish it were a bit bigger so friends could sit on it with me...well, it's possible I guess.

  7. Good on you for you healthy lifestyle!

  8. Replies
    1. I kind of squeezed several topics in, didn't I?!

  9. Love the azaleas! I'm so glad you are doing okay.

  10. oh, you have lily of the valleys, how wonderful! They still are not at bloom where I live, guess it has been too cold so they are frowing slowly.


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