Saturday, May 15, 2021

The mountain disappearing

 For the next 6 months, my views out the windows of my apartment (facing south) will be of the leaves and branches of maple trees. Not complaining. Well, not much. I will miss seeing the mountains across the valley.

April 30, 2021

May 5, 2021

May 5, 2021

So to see more mountain views, I shall just have to go walking around them!

Due to the gas shortage today, I don't dare do sight-seeing trips at this point. Maybe soon.

And the other problem I hope to not cope with for much longer, all my blog sites are being labeled as "Dangerous" by Chrome! What a bummer, as I would have said in the 70s. How invasive I say in the 2020s.

Today's quote:

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”



  1. Hello,
    I hope the gas shortage problems end soon. It will be nice to get out for a daytrip and or a road trip.
    I like all the greenery, the trees are beautiful. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Yes, this may be a short shortage of gas. I do remember a big long one in the 70s. Hope your day and weekend are great!

  2. the the leaves appear many others disappear.

    1. well, this is a great view when mid October comes and they turn beautiful reds and yellows.

  3. I guess everybody had that red screen blog warning.

    1. I think it may only be a Chrome thing. I haven't looked on my old computer where I used Firefox, nor the other Mac one which had Safari.

  4. I didn't see a red screen blog warning, although a friend emailed me about it. Mmmm?
    Yes, it does look like you're going to have to go for walks to see those beautiful mountains.

    1. It may be just on Chrome. If you have another browser program?? you may not have this bother. I walked at the lake a ways today...saw some goslings.

  5. No screen warning here. I"m on Safari right now. I use Chrome too.
    Good bye mountains.

    1. That's what I was wondering, if it was just a Chrome thing. The hackers must have sent some warnings to Microsoft.

  6. No screen warning for me, and I use chrome. Beautiful shots.

    1. Well that shoots down my theory. Like many of them, just hot air. However, I think I'll sign off tonight, rather than just letting the computer sleep. Let's see what happens in the morning. (This is my scientific approach!)

  7. I've gotten the warning also, and eventually the red screen. I just click I want to proceed anyway, and proceed anyway :) Sometimes it feels as if Google is trying to take over my life. I like the Rumi quote. I'm in the middle of the suburbs with a small yard with nine trees and a few very large shrubs. The only way I ever see much of anything is to look straight up at the sky or get into a car :) How wonderful that you live with the Blue Ridge mountains. I've been there a few times. Like heaven on earth.


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