Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Lucy Elizabeth Parsons Pulsifer Granger

Feb 1, 1807 born in Newburyport, MA.
I posted some information about that town HERE.

Newbury when it was first settled.

I've briefly honored this interesting woman before, HERE. And her more famous brother, Joseph P. Pulsifer HERE, one of the founding fathers of Beaumont, Texas.

1820s woman, by Francesco Heyez, NOT Ms. Pulsifer!
She married George Tyler Granger, also from Newburyport, MA, Feb. 13, 1828.

GRANGER, George T. and Lucy E.Pulsifer, Feb. 13, 1828 * (*intentions also recorded)

Granger, from Boston portrait, Uncle

 I mentioned Lucy's husband in another post HERE, following his life and probably hers along the trails that settlers to the new country in Texas followed.   The above link goes to the post which best describes the lives they led, since he was fortunately mentioned in various records that still exist.

Dwelling #338 has George (Lumber Dealer) and Lucy age 42, living with 4 children and 2 other women.
In 1850 they were on the census shown  above.

In 1854 they lived still in Newburyport, MA as shown by the City Directory:

Name: George T Granger
Residence Year: 1854
Street address: 16 Boardman
Residence Place: Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
Publication Title: Newburyport, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1854

More on her life, including a letter to her from her daughter in 1860...tomorrow!

I share this post with Sepia Saturday.  I've missed a couple of weeks, because I just don't have photos on the topics which have been coming along...but I'm always interested to go look at what others have come up with...HERE!

Don't miss my continuing saga about Galveston history...chapter 1 was yesterday.

Galveston 1871


  1. My, that's quite a name! She must have been quite the woman. Happy Birthday Lucy!

  2. She does sound like an interesting woman.

  3. Interesting to see the English place names of Newbury and Ipswich on the location map.
    This definitely qualifies as Sepia Saturday post.

  4. Newburyport (and Ipswich) are about 60 miles south of me...been there many times! Your Lucy was quite something!

  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting. I hope to someday go to some of these sites...though I've been to Galveston a few times...have all those places in MASS, CT and RI still to visit.

  6. Very interesting to read about Newbury both here and in your earlier post, especially as I think I've probably driven through it, or close by, on a drive down the coastline from Wells to Boston, via Salem, in 2005.

  7. Hi Jo,great to hear that you drove along the coast. It's fun, slow, and ever so enjoyable, compared to the interstates!


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