Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lucy Pulsifer Granger, chapter 2

By the 1860 census on June 15 , the George Grangers lived in Galveston, TX
Dwelling number 412, George Granger with Lucy wife and 3 adult children.  He is lumber mer(chant).
The 1860 census doesn't include Mary Granger Phillips, who had been part of the family back in Newburyport in 1850 at 21 years of age.  She met and married William Phillips of Georgia sometime in that gap, and then went to her mother-in-law's home in Georgia all the way from Beaumont Texas to have her first child in 1858.  It is possible the reason she went to Georgia for her first child's birth was economics, since William's step-father Samuel Gainer was a judge.  And certainly frontier Texas didn't offer quite the ammenities of genteel Georgia.

I've shared some of the letters that Mary wrote, both to her mother in law and her own mother, and since Lucy is our focus today, I'll search through them to find one she wrote her own mother.

I'm beginning to think one I've labeled for her mother in law was actually for Mother Lucy Granger, since she mentions Mother Gainer as sending love to the family when she is closing the letter.  That would mean her mother-in-law was close by when she wrote it.

Here are photos of copies of the letter (transcriptions follow)

So the text is this:

(Letter transcription: see photos Mary Phillips to Mom Lucy Granger 24 June 1860.1, 2, 3, and 4 )

Town Bluff, June 24th, 1860

My Dear Mother

        It is a week today since I wrote Lizzie’s (her sister Elizabeth) letter and I have had no chance during the week to send it to the office.  I will have two now to send, as I note in my letter to Lizzie I would write you if I did not get down too soon.

        The weather is very warm up here I miss those beautiful sea breezes I used to enjoy last year at this time.  I feel as if it would be quite a long time before I enjoy them again.  I do so long to be over my confinement   I am dreading it more than before and I fear Zulie (her 2 year old daughter) will be so much trouble I can in a measure control her and she fears me a little and so jealous of me I must not caress

(page 2 of letter)

anybody or anything but her – William to my surprise has the utmost patience with her has not even yet spoken sharp to her. She is smart I can tell you and it is impossible to cheat her, no indeed, she will catch you in a minute.

        I was glad to hear your health was so good this summer  I trust it will continue your cares must be diminished enough now since you are by yourselves to give you quite a quiet time.  I know you must all be happy to hear no slams and insults I think I could never borne it as well as you did.

        I suppose Father & George get along well in the business line as no one spoke to the contrary in letters.  I often think how much it took only for W. & myself while living in Galveston that everlasting rent due it seemed to me always was our greatest chain.  I like Galveston

(page 3 of letter)

above all places to live in but it does cost a heap to live any way at all respectable there.

        Do you ever hear from Uncle Joseph (Joseph Pulsifer) I have written him and so has William two or three times but no replies.  I wish I could hear what he is about.  I think he must almost a Hermit by this time that is if he is by himself.  I hear from the Pass once in a while.  I suppose you heard of the dreadful murder of Bill Shaw by Pike (?) Smith.  I never was so horrified at anything how much trouble they must be in and dear Mrs. Gill has at least got Ella Edwards married to Charley (?) Colmell(?) too I suppose Laura is her next victim for business.

        We think what does Mr. Bradbury do with his house. I never heard whether he rents it or not or if he considers he has left Galveston.

(page 4 of letter)

I hardly can find anything to write which is worthy of interest so if I write a fussy letter you must excuse it.  I wish you would urge up the girls to write me oftener they surely are not very busy now. I know they have had to be in the kitchen lately but if they have been adopting Mrs. Bingit (?) hul (?) two meals a day they have some little time.  I often look for a letter from you two but often am disappointed about you think so.  I excuse you though of course. 

        Love to all I think of each one when I am writing home Father George. Lizzie & Lucy.  Zulie pulls me to the Piano and says Mama play.  I must close of course. William sends (?) love also Mother Gainer (?).  I hope next letter will be written by William with news of another member born in the family.

                Yours with much love,


Now back to Lucy, then soon to be grandmother.

Nothing else is documented about her life.

She continued to live in Galveston until her death when she was 69.  Two copies of a short obituary were kept by her descendents. 
GRANGER - DIED May 23, 1876
My best guess is:
 At her residence on Madison, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets, of this city, on the 23 last, Mrs. Lucy E. Granger, aged 69 years.
The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the Episcopal church at 10 o'clock this morning.
New York and Newburyport (Mass.) papers please copy.

When I checked Google Maps, Madison between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets in Galveston is just a block back from the beach on a sandy many hurricanes must have blown through this area and it looks very barren now, just a few modern homes on stilts.

I want to do more research into the early hey-days when Galveston was the major port for Texas, before Houston dredged itself a shipping channel.

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