Thursday, October 23, 2014

More uniforms

I'll continue sharing old yearbook pictures of young people in uniforms.

Ft. Worth Texas, 1931  My dad's best friend (Earl Truelove) is in the Central High School band.
He's listed at the top of members as the Major.  (See my post about him HERE last week on Sepia Saturday.)  Since then I've heard from my cousin about her family members who were in bands that being the major means he didn't play an instrument.

My father's older brother, Chauncey, was in an ROTC uniform also, right column in photo below, 3rd from bottom.

Sepia Saturday shows some uniformed gentlemen of the law.

 I have a son who works security for parade floats in Tampa every year...but doesn't get a uniform at all like these. Come over HERE to see what others post based upon this picture!  And continue with my looking for relatives in old yearbooks here!

By 1933 my father had met my mother probably, in Jefferson High School in San Antonio, TX.  She signed her name (Mataley Munhall) by her picture below, the right column at the bottom of portraits.  Is she in Company C's group picture?  Yes, front and center (well, to the right of the tall young man in the very center.)

I don't think my father (George Rogers) was in Company C until 1934.  Then he was listed among the members, but I can't find him in the crowd (photo below).  But where is my mother in 1934?

Mataley went to the newly formed Company D in 1934...and she was then listed as a sponsor.  I think George missed his chance, (that time) since she changed her marching company.  Incidentally, like many yearbooks, the group picture below does not have my mother located in the place that is indicated by her name.  She is actually the girl in the middle of the front row, with her eyes closed.  I know you were wondering about that!

I mentioned before  how these young people wore a swastika on their hats...(HERE).
I think it was innocent, but when I remember Hitler's youth troops, it is even possible that his influence came into south Texas through the German connection.  These high school students certainly appeared to have enjoyed wearing uniforms.

Yes the club was made of young women who met "as a social aid to the Battalion"...and were called the Swastika Club.  It is possible some members of this social club are still alive and could answer my questions, but highly unlikely...and I don't think I'll try to find them.  So this is a mystery.  Except I'm sure the young women stopped using that insignia about 1940.

The highschool band also had great looking uniforms in San Antonio.


  1. A good family record. But how on earth did the women keep those little caps on. It must have taken a few extra pins.

  2. I really like the page with the green background. And yeah, I don't guess there's much to be gained by calling yourself a member of the Swastika Club.

  3. When I was a freshman in high school, I was in the Cadet Band. I was in the Varsity Band my sophomore year.

  4. Those photos were a great way to remember all your friends- especially years later when the memory starts to go! It would be interesting to know more about the swastika club .

  5. The hats look attractive on all the girls and for that matter on all the boys. Like the elements of most uniforms, those hats were, as a practical matter, useless. It always amazes me how good people managed to look in those days when grooming wasn't nearly as easy as it is now. Very interesting post,

  6. I jumped when I saw that swastika club. Definitely one not to be reminded of.
    Great ROTC pictures.

  7. Great photos from the year books - so much more interesting than just class photos, revealing individual interests. yep, the Swastika Club isn't likely to be too much in favour, or at least we all hope not.

  8. It's worth remembering that the swastika is a positive symbol in Asia even though it now has such a negative connotation for's a bit confronting when you see it in Bali etc.

  9. Great records to have, with all those names, even if some of them are not attached to the right people. What is the origin of your mother's name?

  10. Jo, my grandmother apparently dreamed the name Mataley before she was born.


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