Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Working against the clock and a disturbing dream

To avoid strokes...which are more fatal in older women, especially those with various conditions which I have, ie past heart attack, sleep apnea, over weight. I don't know a relationship to COPD, which they didn't mention.

  •  Eating five or more servings of fruits or vegetables every day may reduce the risk of stroke. The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes olive oil, fruit, nuts, vegetables and whole grains, may be helpful.
  • Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of stroke in many ways. Exercise can lower blood pressure, increase the levels of good cholesterol, and improve the overall health of the blood vessels and heart. Gradually work up to at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most or all days of the week. The American Heart association recommends getting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. Moderate intensity activities can include walking, jogging, swimming and bicycling.
SOURCE: Mayo Clinic on Strokes


I woke up Monday morning with a dream floating close to my reality. 

I dreamed I was preparing to have an interview with Trump. Not as a journalist, but as a chance for a "common woman" to talk with him, ask some questions, and get a photograph taken.

Remember I am totally against all he is, stands for, and spews out of his mouth!

So I had a lot of anxiety built up about this interview, and that was the majority of the dream...I felt the cold sweat of anticipation, the constant thoughts about how I would shake his hand possibly...what was I wearing - was it appropriate, etc.

Then the next instant I was looking at my photo of having stood by his side. 

I kind of skipped the entire interview. I was discussing it with someone, how did I do, etc. The photo showed me in a red outfit, that was all I remember about it. Or was it a video on a phone? It was strange, because even in the dream I tried to figure out what had happened. But the interview obviously had taken place and I must have said my piece, whatever it had been.

Upon waking that dream was really striking to me.

In no way do I wish to meet or talk to the man. 

But dreams are messages of our sub-conscious to ourselves, so what I brought away was: 

1. my high anxiety if he were to be elected President in 2024

2. my high anxiety to confront some Trump people I know with some true facts, in the face of their believing his lies.

3. my ongoing use of visual information to give me reality checks, thus the photo/video

4. reminder of seeing a huge Trump sign on a house nearby which gave me chills (see no. 1 above.)

5. reminder of relatives who tend to repeat misinformation that is published and echoes the Tea Party/GOP line of rhetoric. The language is always trying to prove its misinformation with some round-about statistics that don't mean a thing. I had recently read through some of this.
Another member of my family says it's a good idea to know what the thinking of the other team might be. Not for me. I apparently absorb it into an emotional place which created this dream.

Just thought I'd share an interesting experience that kind of knocked me for a loop. So glad it was just a dream.

Today's quote:

Man can be the most affectionate and altruistic of creatures, yet he's potentially more vicious than any other. He is the only one who can be persuaded to hate millions of his own kind whom he has never seen and to kill as many as he can lay his hands on in the name of his tribe or his God. 
-Benjamin Spock, pediatrician and author (1903-1998)


  1. Hello,
    It sounds more like a nightmare to me, I can not stand the man. It amazes me, that believe follow him and believe all his lies. He reminds me of Hitler, it is scary to think he could win. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. My fears definitely led me to that dream. Let's do all we can to keep him away from his plans to demolish our country.

  2. ...Trump is a health hazard.

  3. Glad it was only a dream. But if he is elected we will all be living in a nightmare.

    1. I'm really quite afraid of that happening. The illegal aspeccts of the GOP these days, as being brought out in the current trial, just prove how much rot there is in politics. And to be fair, I would imagine some of the Democrats may not be that pure and lily white either.

  4. Training-wise I´m good but have to work on fruit and nuts!
    The thought of shaking Trump´s hand... NOOOO....
    Extreme. I dreamed a fake refugee woman was in our home, messing all up big. It was so real, too!
    Isn´t it sad political issues make it into our dreams even and scare us off?
    Ex-Chancellor Merkel with her "all refugees welcome"... who came? Women and children? No. Men, mostly. Men seeing women as "things", ready to be "used"...
    I hope Trump will go to jail where he belongs and that is that.

    1. Five servings of fruit and veggies a day? Wonder if potatoes count as vegetables. Yes our world certainly has so many nightmare-inducing realities for us to deal with! It's amazing when we find one trustworthy friend, or another. And I certainly hang onto them! Politics has never been considered a field where truth is clearly spoken, but Trump sure takes lies to another level.

  5. It is always amazing to me that sometimes the dreams I experience appear to be reality upon waking, but thankfully they were not. Glad that yours was the same, Barbara. The health advice is good, now if only I could manage to do all that.

    1. At the end of the day I count to see how many fruits and veggies I had. Juice counts also, so I often down a glass at that point. If only I could make myself set a new habit of going for walks! And now it's often too hot or raining. Lots of good reasons not to...but I do need to. Will keep that in mind, and perhaps find a dream answer.

  6. I am starting to think there is a difference in brain structure that causes some people to be willfully deluded.

    1. That is part of the amazement I've felt at how many people seem to support him...how can women actually want him to again make such bad decisions?

  7. Hi Barbara, My wife can appreciate your nightmare! She's read one book by Bob Woodward about Trump...based on Woodward's many interviews with Trump and those around him...and she's now working on "Fear". She can only read one chapter at a time before she gets so mad she has to put it down and do something else. My view is that we have two choices. One is a narcissistic sociopath who is the butt of jokes by many of our allies and who is a would be dictator. The other is a man too old and too old for the job who's governance has been indecisive at the best and who our enemies are taking full advantage of... We lose either way! Unfortunately Trump won't be convicted of a felony before the election and President Biden probably won't be 'replaced' at the Democratic National Convention. The nation is divided and doomed for at least the next 4 years... Just my opinion... Like you, we can't talk politics with most folks as we manage to aggravate both sides of the spectrum. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I don't see President Biden as indecisive, but handicapped by a constrained congress. Tell me more about how you see our enemies taking advantage of him. At least he finally got the Ukraine some help. I can't see that he's made many bad decisions about Gaza, except perhaps promising Israel that we'd stand by them 100%. I fear they are not being quite sane in their pursuit of Hamas at this point. Again, not Biden's doing. Good to hear your wife is also trying to understand the viewpoints of people that seem to have manipulating lies and mob-techniques in how to rule. I tried to read Woodward's book many years back, and had to put it aside.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.