Friday, May 24, 2024

Around here

 This is my life these days...

Well, I hurt my back/shoulder by trying to do the PT exercises at home early Wednesday morning. I think I should have done more stretching and warmed up, at least that's what Dr. Barb thinks. So I missed going to the Sit-R-Cise on Wed. and the PT appointment on Thurs. I'm no good to push myself when I have pains! No pain = no pain to me.

The morning pills,  most of which are over the counter at least. Vitamins and things to help various bodily processes work, brain, gut, lungs. Heart and blood pressure meds and digestive help are there too. And a smaller group at bedtime. I know people who have 3-5 times a day to take pills, with or without food. So I'm just happy these keep me going, for today anyway!

I slowed to a stop by the downhill side of the Lake Tomahawk dam, to see this seed cloth spread over the whole thing. Seems they're going with grass. Mmmm, wonder if it will be mowed! I liked when they had native wild flowers there. Oh well, can't have everything.

Speaking of having everything, here's my little porch garden for springtime. I'll remove everything for a pressure washing next week, then maybe everything back in place.  OK, left to right, Mountain Laurel bush outside the porch, pink Kalanchoe, purple petunia, new Lavender, Apple Mint, Old lavender, Christmas or sometime cactus, and hanging last year's geranium and a pot of purple petunias. All the plant on the table are orchids. Already we are getting too much sun to please them, which comes in afternoon from the far right.


  1. One tip...warm up first, before stretching 🙂

    1. I figured that out the hard way, right? A hot shower first also helps these old muscles (I imagine them like ancient rubber bands!) to stretch better. But now I woke with a sore throat as well as remaining shoulder pain. No fun!

  2. ...and I thought that I took a lot of pills!

    1. Like I mentioned, many over the counter things. But still requires a whole glass of water beside the coffee!

  3. That is a lot of pills, hubby has a similar group of prescribed meds to take.
    Your porch plants are looking great. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

    1. Hi Eileen. I'll post some critters on your blog tomorrow.

  4. Sorry you pulled your whatnot. Heal soon.

    1. I made the Chair Yoga class today, after lots of warm ups before doing just what might feel good, no more! So everything seems to be working ok for now! Knock on wood!

  5. Wow - that´s quite a cocktail you have to take - but at least we have access to that!
    Ingo needs to power-clean the balcony, too. Or not, I really don´t care! ;-)
    Out soon to do some planting and rescuing and wishing you a speedy healing. Warming up is so boring.... I never do that, either. Should maybe rethink this!

  6. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Yes, many pills that may do something for me positive. Warm ups now!


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