Wednesday, May 29, 2024

My plant jungle

 Moving  them all inside, for the pressure wash that will happen either tomorrow or the next day. So now I live in a little jungle of potted plants!

Yesterday I enjoyed having some friends over for a pot luck lunch. I got the cold cuts, bread, lettuce and lime slices for our water. These friends get a kick out of ordering water with lime when we eat out. So I tried to oblige. They brought several salads and the tomatoes to go on our sandwiches, as well as whipped cream for our "make your own banana split."

It didn't go as well as I hoped, since my friend who had the furthest to travel couldn't make it. So we scheduled going to her area and eating with her soon.

And another of my friends was undergoing some stomach issues so didn't want to eat anything at all. I kept offering her soup, toast etc. all the motherly gestures to help settle her stomach. She kept refusing. But she had brought the salads, so we definitely appreciated her contributions.

The banana splits didn't end up being of interest to the other two visitors, though one had a teaspoon full of ice cream with lots of whipped cream. We shared that the other two had held the can up and squeezed some into their mouths at one time or another, but I hadn't. I did say I'd had whipped cream sex once, and one of the other women (all over 60 mind  you!) said she had too. And that was all we were going to share on that subject.

Since I was coughing all night, as well as this morning, I've canceled my PT and lunch today. I hope it becomes manageable by tomorrow, when other friends have scheduled a day trip! I'll let you know. I may mask up when in the car and going in stores with them!

My cough of course is the recurring chronic one, but involves a really ugly sound getting stuff out, so I don't want people to think it's catching. (Hopefully not.) Anyway, I'm just doing plant re-place-ing today. 

It's nice and sunny out, so they will have the shock of indoor lights for 2 days. I think they can cope.

Today's quote:

One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.



  1. ...the more, the merrier.

  2. I agree with Tom, the more the merrier! Enjoy the daytrip! Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. You indoor garden looks pretty great. I hope any accompanying insects stick with the plants and go back out with them.

    1. I haven't seen or noticed any little critters around the plants, though a few have some spider webs on them. Thanks for the good wishes.

    2. I did remove the leaf which had a great batch of little black eggs attached to it...threw it out the door.

  4. You have green fingers. I wish I had!

    1. After lugging most of the plants back outside last evening, I think they represent my weight lifting exercises.

  5. Our home does not have a single plant, Barbara, and sadly I would do them justice as best not to have any, that said, all yours look healthy and thriving. Too bad the lunch get together did not go exactly as planned and hope your friends feel better, and you as well.

    1. I've been moving on...had another lunch yesterday with the same friends. They seem to do better at a restaurant, and quite frankly it's a lot easier on me. BUT I need to have a house where friends can just come over and visit, and not one where I have to prepare by cleaning up everything!!

  6. Hi Barbara, Highly coincidental, but our house was supposed to be washed today but due to equipment issues, it will now happen tomorrow. My wife's 'plant room' is also stuffed with plants. Whipped cream...wild child! Ah yes, back in the day... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. What a chore! Good work trying to get together with friends!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.