Friday, March 29, 2024

Women authors

 Since March is Women's History Month, I'll share a few women authors. No details, just photos of them.















I'm sure you knew a lot of these authors. But here's the list, in case you want to check. I've posted these photos in the last year or so of these women, here on this blog.

1. Nelly Bly
2. Eleanor Roosevelt
3. Audre Lorde
4. Zora Neale Hurston
5. Pearl S. Buck
6. Rita Mae Brown
7. Carol Christ
8. Annelinde Metzner
9. Alice Walker
10. Agatha Christie
11. Beatrix Potter
12. Greta Thunberg
13. Maya Angelou
14. Rachel Carson

They may well have had to struggle with their writings, but  I wonder if they would have had that stare into space shown in the prompt photo below.

For Sepia Saturday this week...


  1. ...we need more dangerous women, we have enough dangerous men.

  2. A great group of women! Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy weekend.

  3. I don’t know if I told you that I once spoke to Maya Angelou on the phone. She was calling my boss. I was thrilled.

    1. Oh, how neat! I wonder if she spoke in that wonderful voice...well of course she did, that was her voice!!

  4. I knew Eleanor & Pearl and guessed at Agatha. :) Great women with great influence!

    1. Good for knowing Pearl...not everyone would recognize her!

  5. In 2018, there was an article in the Dutch newspaper NRC about undercover journalism. There Nelly Bly was portrayed as the first woman reporter to do that. And of course, also her trip around the world was mentioned. I have an idea why she accomplished this in just 72 days. If you see the wasp waist in the picture, it is understandable that she was looking forward to changing to a more comfortable dress as soon as possible! I've always wondered why women would torture themselves to comply with the latest fashion.

    1. I guess they got used to it...after all their mothers and grandmothers had cinched their waists in. But then came women who said no, and then came women who burned their bras!

  6. From Scotsue - thank you for a different kind of post to end this month’s Work theme. Many of the names were new to me here in the UK but I am sure they deserve this profile.

    1. I did cheat and put a friend's photo and name in, Annelinde Metzner is a poet who I love a lot.

  7. Barbara, I'd only heard of 9 of the authors listed. My better half would do much better with this list because she reads books more than I do. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. That's pretty good...and most authors aren't known for their faces, after all.

  8. Thanks for sharing a list of great women and a creating a fun game. Better than Jeopardy! Many authors, especially early ones, did not seek the celebrity that runs todays publishing world, so I didn't get many faces though I know their names and books. However I did recognize Greta Thunberg as the new face and voice for saving our planet. The world needs more Heroes like her.

    1. Good for recognizing Greta! Author's faces aren't the part that most readers pay attention to, so this was kind of sneaky.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.