Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter and happy Trans Recognition Day

... to those who celebrate. I just love it for jelly beans. The spice kind. Particularly the red ones. Mmm, cinnamon!


Here's my little arrangement, which some pagans would call an altar. I just like having reminders of nature in the little Christmas trees, the paper curled up that's full of my physical therapy routines, the four elements vase, (to the right) which has earth, air, fire and water represented on it's faces.

Here is day 3 of the blooms...lily number one is opening up. Just see all that pollen!

Day 4, lily number 2 is opening now also.

Growing up I only remember getting a new outfit for Easter each year, to be worn with hat and gloves to church. Before that, my Christian Science grandmother did hostess a Easter egg hunt in her yard for the 4 young Rogers cousins (though my sister was probably too young to take part.) My oldest cousin got the golden egg and I was really unhappy about it, for a few minutes. I don't know what she got for it actually, but I was learning about competitions at that time.

Easter Outfits, 1947 & 48, as well as maybe a Christmas outfit with coat and hat. Sis was around 2 years old, to my 5-6 years.

I brought up my Unitarian children with Easter egg hunts in the yard (weather permitting) after we'd dyed the eggs over newspapers. I also spent several years blowing out the innards of eggs and painting them with watercolors as little people, and setting them into collars that matched their styles. By the time my grandchildren came along, plastic eggs were stuffed with candy and money and hidden.

Now I celebrate our mother earth and all the beauty she offers us. I also bemoan the climate crisis that humans have inflicted upon her.

Today's quote:

We can learn a lot from watching ants and bees, living in community and working for the greater good

Added at the last minute: 
Another blogger let me know this is also Trans Recognition Day.
May we all live together in peace.

(Facebook threatened to take this post down as going against its standards!)

Trans Flag

President Biden mentioned that he honors this recognition of Trans People today. 


  1. Beautiful flowers! The photos look similar to some of my old family photos.
    Happy Easter to you and your family.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  2. ...Barbara, I wish you a Happy Easter.

  3. Being a guy, I think I only remember a new jacket once. But I remember some girls in their new frocks on that day. I wonder when that tradition ceased.

    1. It hasn't completely yet. Just go stand out in front of some well attended churches around 11 o'clock this morning! What I do enjoy is the life-affirming joy of all these people!

  4. Lovely flowers! The old snapshots are sweet. Young people today don’t know what it was like to work with film. We only took a couple pictures of each occasion, and hoped that the prints would look OK when we finally got them back.

    1. And before the little kiosks in shopping center parking lots, drug stores would handle film but send it off somewhere. And before that, my father and his brothers would process the film they shot in their own darkrooms. Glad they learned how since some early efforts haven't survived very well. These days I take a couple of shots of whatever, download them, edit if needed...and the wonders of technology are at my fingertips. And yes, we always hoped the photos of the children came out well, to send to grandparents in another city!

  5. Great flowers and lovely photos. Sweet outfits.

    1. I'm enjoying my little bouquet. Loved seeing your orchid, by the way. Mine is on it's last leg...but has been full for months now. Oh the outfits we got from our seamstress grandmother!

  6. Your flowers are quite lovely, Barbara, and this week I treated myself to a floral bouquet from the local supermarket. This was the first year that I did not buy an Easter lily so enjoyed seeing your newly-opened orchid. Yes, I recall getting a new outfit for this holiday in my growing-up days and shared photos on my blog in previous years.

  7. Hi Barbara, Love all the flowers! Love spring too! As for folks with differences, to quote a well known source, "Why can't we all just get along?!" Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I'm happy to say I'm still welcome on Facebook in spite of triggering something with the Trans post. Yes indeed. Let's all try to get along. Maybe nudge some politicians in that direction!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.