Sunday, March 24, 2024

Then there's Grace.

 Thinking how I have "grace" in my life...

Grace is always present. You imagine it is somewhere high in the sky,
far away, and has to descend. It is really inside you, in your Heart.
Grace is the Self. . . .You are never out of its operation.

-~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

I somehow was never taught about grace in my Christian Sunday School classes. How come? And when I left the straight and narrow and tried exploring many other ways of looking at the world (ie other religions.) nobody seemed to tell me about it.

Then within the wonders of Unitarian Universalism, where many faiths are welcome, and sometimes different ones are given the pulpit on a Sunday...I finally learned that I had "Grace" in my life. It was just there, always, and sometime surprisingly available.

From another blogger, "the beauty we love" I found these quotes on Wednesday. Boy I needed to get in touch with grace the day I read that!

Grace is a manifestation of the cosmic free will in operation. 
It can alter the course of events in a mysterious manner
 through its own unknown laws, which are superior to
 all natural laws, and can modify the latter by interaction.

It is the most powerful force in the universe.

It descends and acts only when it is invoked 
by total self- surrender. 

Rationalists laugh at it, and atheists scorn it, but it exists.

It is a visitation of force unexpected and unpredictable.
 It is a voice spoken out of cosmic silence - 
It is ‘Cosmic Will which can perform 
authentic miracles under its own laws’.

~ D.C. Desai
 from Divine Grace Through Total Self-Surrender

I've edited this quote so that it is palatable to my own pagan beliefs, where all life is part of a universal spirituality. 

I edited out where D.C. Desai used the term "God" which I prefer to avoid, coming from it's patriarchal religious limited background. Remember this is a blog where I share my opinions. You're welcome to comment.

Grace was needed as I struggled with breathing difficulties that day. I tried lying down to rest, only to have more coughs. Earlier I had had to stop the sit-R-cise class when it started the aerobic part. I'm just feeling like things are sort of out of my control. Been there, got the tee-shirt!

And then a dear friend said her debilitating back pain had returned, after having just a week or so without it since the beginning of Feb. She was at church last Sunday for a musical program. This back pain doesn't respond to over the counter meds, but her doctor hasn't offered anything besides muscle relaxants so far.  

Then there's my life here, at this little laptop. Yes you can see I do go elsewhere and do other things...but the other day I had a major accident on the laptop. 

When reaching for my meds to take with a full mug of ginger ale, I poured the whole mugfull across the keyboard!  
Pick up mug! 
Pick up laptop, and let ginger ale pour onto floor! 
Unplug so I don't electrocute myself! 
Look in panic around living room for anything to start to wipe as much ginger ale off the keyboard as possible!

You can imagine my continued swiping with napkins, a lap blanket, anything. When put upright on its side, ginger ale came out the bottom keys.

I left it in that position, and then switched to damp cloth and towel. Then did the exterior, and the screen. And didn't turn it off.

The next day it had drained the battery while asleep so I plugged it back in, turned it on, and slowly it came to life. Much gratitude felt then!  Some grace had gotten me to that point.

I proceeded to copy every file onto a thumb drive before anything else.

Oh did I mention that that the "big ginger ale fiasco" took place a few hours before I drove at night and picked up my friend from the airport at about 11:20 pm. Did I mention I avoid driving at night?  

I finally got a little sleep before the early morning physical therapy apointment...maybe 6 hours.

I was able to nap later that next day, right through the noon hour. And strangely enough, I didn't succumb to coughing problems. Just mental, and perhaps coordination! Those are conditions I've not had to deal with before, being very careful about not falling.

Second example of grace (receiving good things that I don't necessarily deserve, haven't worked for, haven't even asked definition) was the extra keyboard that had been sitting unused just below the laptop on the slide-out drawer, where the mouse pad was.  When I realized all the ginger ale keys would no longer have any bounce, and would require a harder push (well, duh) I tried plugging in the spare keyboard. It was given to me to help with a Mac computer, so I wondered what would happen with the microsoft laptop. First try, "we do not recognize this device." Second try, same. Kept on trying, and finally it's working. (So that part was my diligent effort!

I (like so many bloggers) may suddenly go dark. I don't have any other method to blog. Well, I do have the laptop before the one before this...very very slow. But I can read your blogs. Not sure how photos would go through. But I'm probably going to need to take this laptop in for some kind of cleaning, wouldn't you say?

Gratitude comes with grace. The worst didn't happen that evening with ginger ale. The driving was successful though somewhat harrowing with my trying to be safe by using the high beam headlights, but sometimes going too fast when I needed to slow down. It's hard for me to see roads' lines at night, even without cataracts anymore.

We survived. I'm here another day. Much gratitude!


  1. Hello,
    You are such a good friend, driving at night to the airport for your friend. Sorry to hear about the accident spilling your drink on the keyboard. I hope you do not go dark. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen. I have a deal of my friend also will pick me up following a flight soon. It will also be at night. So I was happy to trade with her, just not quite accustomed to the feelings of driving at night. Need more practice perhaps?

  2. ...the dictionary give many meaning of grace, all of them sound like good attributes to have.

  3. Oh dear! I remember when computers were still fairly new, my workplace had a strict rule about not eating or drinking near the computer. It’s not a bad rule, but I need to hydrate pretty often. I don’t use a mug or glass, but rather a bottle with lid, or covered cup with a straw.

    1. Yes, I made rules like that once too. I am a bit more relaxed perhaps.

  4. Your blog has become a source of comfort and inspiration for me. Share your feedback and suggestions for Aviator on our blog platform.

  5. I'm having problems with grace these days, for there was someone at work by that very name who caused an enormous amount of problems before vanishing into the wind.


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