Saturday, March 23, 2024

Rain or shine!

 Some fun in the city...Asheville. On a rainy day no less!

But we'd planned it for that day, rain or shine, and so we went!

Rainy view of Asheville tall buildings and roofs from the parking garage at Pack Library level, looking east-south (why does that sound wrong? south east, I guess.)

Looking more north east from same position. Raining. 

A very gentle well trained (67 pound) Great Pyrenees was welcoming pats.

Our first stop was Malaprops Bookstore, and independent local bookstore. 

I bought a book I've been wanting to read, and my friends may have also.
More of our trip to the city will follow!

Sharing with Eileen's Saturday Critters.

Today's quote:

“The end we seek is a society at peace with itself, a society that can live with its conscience. And that will be a day not of the white man, not of the black man. That will be the day of man as man.” 
Martin Luther King at Selma AL on Mar 25, 1965


  1. Bliss.. an independent bookstore!!
    That paw which gently says"that was nice, same again please" !! ❤️

    1. What a lovely doggie. And I love this and other independent bookstores!

  2. ...a large independent bookstore, that is amazing.

    1. It's a great competition to the big box bookstores, which I never go to anymore. Sadly I have been known to use gift certificates at the big A- on line source.

  3. Hello,
    It is raining here today, that is ok we can use more rain. Love the pretty dog, looks very friendly!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Given their name, I wonder if they book orders right. 😁

    1. Not sure what Malaprops really that you mention it. But I've had good success with orders!

  5. I love Asheville and enjoyed living there for years! A fun post! Thanks!

  6. Hi Barbara, As you may recall, we explored downtown Asheville a couple of years ago...although we somehow missed that great looking bookstore. Very interesting town with a variety of stores and restaurants one wouldn't necessarily expect for a city of that size. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. We have a good amount of tourists come to Asheville, which keeps these unique stores in business I think, plus a population that is totally unique, some ex-hippy types, some political activists, some environmentalists, some religious liberals, some LGBTQ+ folks, some educators, some students...etc

  7. Sounds like a fun adventure in Asheville, even with the rain! Malaprops is a great bookstore.


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