Thursday, May 4, 2023

Some thoughts on masculinity

"The first step for coming to a healthy understanding of masculinity? Make sure you aren't forgoing your own values in favor of fitting in."

I raised three sons, so I do think about how they value their lives, how they are models for their children; only 2 of my 6 grandchildren were born male, but I think true values are equally shared between males and females.

Here's the article about "Defining your own Masculinity." from NPR 

 "What does it mean to be manly? In America, it probably means being big, strong, fearless, rational and unemotional. But masculinity isn't universal — and putting boys in a "man box" can breed insecurity. Educators and authors spoke to Life Kit about defining your own masculinity

Think about your values, and don't feel pressured to live "traditional" manly values.

Don't let anger replace fear, grief, or frustration. These are natural emotions you don't need to suppress.

Talk to other men, but be patient if they put up walls.

Rethink your role models, and model the masculinity you want to.

Robert Reich gives a more political twist to how masculinity is being managed, resulting in fascist power-mongering from the ideal male image of "breadwinner" being usurped by LGBTQ+ people.

He says: "let me remind you: Bigotry against sexual minorities is a way fascism takes root.

As the world tragically witnessed in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, the politics of sexual anxiety gains traction when traditional male gender roles of family provider and protector are hit by economic insecurity.

Fascist politics distorts and expands this male anxiety into fear that one’s family is under existential threat from LGBTQ+ people who reject the family’s traditional structure and traditions.

Reich quotes  philosopher Jason Stanley from his "How Fascism Works" (2018):

Men, already made anxious by a perceived loss of status resulting from increasing gender equality can easily be thrust into panic by demagoguery directed against sexual minorities… . The fascist leader is analogous to the patriarchal father, the “CEO” of the traditional family… . Attacking trans women, and representing the feared other as a threat to the manhood of the nation, are ways of placing the very idea of manhood at the center of political attention, gradually introducing fascist ideals of hierarchy and domination by physical power to the public sphere.


  1. Hello,
    It is sad when a minority of people can be so controlling, especially when they are fascist. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I'm pretty angry about it by now. An authoritarian government is not far from reality in Washington DC and many state houses.

  2. ...for the most part, men are messed up.

    1. That may be true for John Q. Citizen, but I have found many men who are open and intelligent and accepting of women's strengths/weaknesses as well as their own.

  3. Barbara, The far right male isn't just 'threatened' by sexual differences, but actually by their perceived loss of control. Sexual differences, loss of the core family with the male 'head', the breakdown of religion as a basis for belief, and a change in racial and political control. They also feel that the work ethic that they grew up with has disappeared and government is rewarding people for not working, not following the "norms" etc. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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