Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Colorado new law


"We wanted to share some good news that came out of Colorado last week. The state legislature signed The Jessi Redfield Ghawi Act for Gun Violence Victims’ Access to Justice and Firearms Industry Accountability into law.

We are proud to have been a part of getting this law passed. It will repeal Colorado’s extreme, anti-victim gun industry immunity law and create an opportunity for victims to seek fair justice in court when they are harmed by illegal conduct by the corporate gun industry.

This law is named after Jessi Redfield Ghawi, who was killed during the 2012 shooting at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater. Her parents Sandy and Lonnie brought a lawsuit seeking improved safety practices and $0 in compensation from the companies that sold thousands of rounds of ammunition, body armor, and other products to their daughter’s killer—no questions asked.

But after one motion, the court ruled that Colorado law prohibited victims like them from bringing suit against the firearm industry and ordered them to pay over $200,000 in fees to those very same companies.

No family should face punishment or bankruptcy for seeking fair justice and accountability in court, and we’re glad that the Colorado legislature recognized this last week."

I receive the emails from because I support laws against gun violence.


  1. We needs more gun laws and justice for the victims. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. THis is such a good step in the right direction. That family must have gone through hell several times over!

  2. Replies
    1. And it's coming a couple of decades after that family had all that happen to them. It makes me pause, that all the senseless deaths since then mean so much suffering for so many more, and how long it may take for the wheels of justice/law to turn.

  3. It really is about profits, isn't it?!

    1. That's what's running our government now - with GOP in the pockets of big corporations, and probably Democrats as well. But at least we still have free speech to say how awful it is!

  4. Wow, that was certainly needed!


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