Friday, May 26, 2023

Psychics are sending me a message

 I haven't figured it out yet.

But when a NOVA show about the brain leaves me with all this stuff that may be sleight of hand, but it definitely isn't answered...there are questions about who is running the show in my head, basically. These different parts of my dear brain have names, and duties to perform, and I suppose they communication with each other.

But this show left me wondering. How did they get the word the woman chose randomly in the book, and wrote on a post-it-note, and left in the room while the rest of the show was taped, but then that exact word was found printed on white paper inside the sealed envelope that she supposedly hid on her person during the whole show?

So the next thing to knock my door of perceptions was having a haircut. And Joe (who many of my friends also deppend upon for their styles) starts by telling me of a little town (Lilly Vale) near where he lived, and he says when he was younger (I'm imagining teenager) they would drive into a cemetery and start whispering. That was ok, because I'd just mentioned a cemetery that was also near his home town in western NY. 

But then I mentioned Edgar Casey. Neither of us ever said the word Cassadaga, which I knew about from the Florida community he (Casey) started. Joe knew about him from Virginia Beach VA.  So Joe started to tell me about Carol, who was his regular hair client. And she told him he had the "gift." 

So she enrolled him in some sessions, and he was able to do some "readings with people's personal possessions." They seemed satisfied. Then one evening some of the people who had the same training, who were blind, were also in the room, and one came up to Joe and said, "You look good in that red shirt Joe." This was a blind person, who accuratly picked up some kind of vibration and knew that indeed, Joe was wearing a red shirt.

All this was being told while Joe expertly cut my hair off exactly how I wanted it but hadn't asked for it...different than the last time.

Anyway, then Carol apparently was on Johnny Carson's show one night, and told him about the blind guy who said to an unknown man, that "he looked good in a red shirt." And of course the audience were impressed that a blind man had that ability to pick up whatever red gives off...and comment about it.

Joe got a kick out of being inadvertently mentioned in a story on Johnny Carson. Of course.

But the main thing me at least...that this psychic stuff needs to be considered.

I didn't ask Joe for a reading, because he had another client waiting. But he did share that the way he gives people the haircuts they want is by putting his hands on their shoulders and kind of reading them. He had done it with me before the first cut. 

I came in and said I basically hated all the things about my hair. He asked if anything was good. I said I guess I'm grateful to have any hair.

I do like my very short summer trim! (But it will grow out, sigh!)

Today's quote:

Life unfolds as it will, and the universe will wait patiently as we make our way into the unknown.


  1. Hello,
    I like your new cut, very cute! Great photo! Take care, enjoy your day! Happy Memorial Day weekend.

    1. Thanks...I'm still feeling light headed without my old hair!

  2. ...I'm like a shaggy sheep that needs a shearing.

    1. Many a man who's retired does that...beard and all.

  3. Isn't that interesting!! I had a hairdresser who was psychic! I like your new do. Sadly, they do grow out...

    1. Thanks, that's strange that you had a hairdresser who also was psychic.

  4. I must admit that I think of those who call themselves psychic, especially when that's how they make a living, to be fraudulent.

    1. I guess it is up to those who want to believe what they are doing, rather than those who don't.There may be some skeptics that are neither one way or the other. But I don't like to hear fraud terminology without evidence.

  5. Barbara, I wish I had enough hair to justify a trip to visit Joe, or any other hairdresser or barber! I like your hair cut... I never say never when it comes to psychics or ghosts. There are a lot of strange happenings and things out there that defy explanation. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Oh just think of all the money you save from not paying for a stylist, or all those hair products! Yes many things are beyond my understanding or explanation in rational scientific ways...much to my frustration!


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