Thursday, May 25, 2023

Plastic Free Day

 Today is International Plastic Free Day.

Thanks Tom for letting us know. 

June 1 will be National Gun Violence Awareness Day
Wear orange!

I just took out the trash in my plastic garbage bag (required by the collection people). I emptied all my indoor trash baskets where grocery plastic bag liners are reused as many times as possible.

I'm typing on plastic keys on my laptop. Sitting in a chair with plastic arms.

My glasses have a plastic rim and maybe even the lens.

Now how can I be plastic-free? What a great goal. Just thinking about it is so challenging. 

Thanks for the thought. Each of these items are stretching their usefulness for my life. And I can't see any way to live without them.

What can I not use? Single use plastic utensils, plastic cups or plates...not in my house anymore. 

I can certainly drink out of containers not plastic, and not use a straw (an early effort for awareness). 

Awareness is the message.

Another thought for today:

To be astonished is one of the surest ways of not growing old too quickly.



  1. ...we just returned from the downtown farmers market, with our reusable bags and a few plastics bags.

  2. I can (and have) reduced my use of plastic, but I don't see a way to eliminate it entirely.

  3. There is SO much plastic around. It is tough to avoid it.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.