Monday, May 1, 2023

May Day

 Thinking of the May Pole, a tall straight pole around which people/children dance and decorate with ribbons. Those days are barely remembered by few people.

Here's an intriguing film The Forest Beyond. It came on Emergence Magazine's site. I hope the link will bring it up.

"The Shipibo people of the Peruvian Amazon have lived in relationship with the rainforest for millennia. In recent years, loggers, colonizing settlers, and palm plantations have increasingly devoured these Indigenous lands, pushing the forest farther from villages and homes. In this film, Senen Kaisi, a young Shipibo woman from Santa Isabel de Bahuanisho, makes her first journey to the retreating edge of this ancestral forest, which once stretched all the way to her village."

The Forest Beyond is by Jeremy Seifert and Fred Bahnson.

It is one of those inspiring things that is sweet and not brash. I found it worth watching. Oh, and it's only 15 minutes long!

Today's quote:

…I would like not to underestimate the value of the world view which is the result of scientific effort. We have been led to imagine all sorts of things infinitely more marvelous than the imaginings of poets and dreamers of the past.


  1. Thank for the link. I'll check it out.

  2. Barbara, you have such eclectic tastes. I love your advocating for the right things in your neck of the woods.

  3. It was a coincidence that you mentioned the May pole dance, Barbara, because I was thinking of that myself and recall that when I attended grammar school, the female students participated in a version. Thanks for bringing back a memory.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.