Thursday, February 2, 2023

More info on the triple goddess, Brigid (Bridget)

 Brigid is a triple goddess – the goddess of healing symbolised by the element of water, goddess of the alchemical force of fire, and goddess of poetry. In this respect she represents every woman and our unique talents, skills and qualities. Too often we put ourselves in boxes, limited by cultural stereotypes in an effort to fit in. Brigid urges you to develop and express all your gifts.

By Courtney Davis, Bridget the Triple Goddess

  Brigid embodies mastery represented in the perfect balance of fire and water, symbols of the masculine and feminine, known in Eastern traditions as the yin and yang or ida and pingala. As we strive for equality today, Brigid reminds us that we must also heal our inner feminine and masculine. As within so without, as above so below. She is a reminder that duality and separation are illusions. Unity and harmony are our true nature.

Raising her day to a national holiday is also a welcome recognition of the equality of the feminine with the masculine in society. Because of her very strong association with fertility and the natural world, Brigid is also the perfect patron of the ecology movement. She can become the Mother Earth figure of the awakening consciousness of the beauty and fragility of this Earth, and our human dependency on this Earth, and our interconnectedness with all the other species sharing the planet with us.

— CHARLIE FLANAGAN TD, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs and Justice 

SOURCE of Article, Who Was Bridgid?  by Herstory Founder Melanie Lynch


  1. ...society's job is to control us.

  2. Thanks for all the info about Brigid......Suzi (only Blooger thinks I am anonymous!🤭)


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.