Monday, November 14, 2022

More on Climate Change

From the Global Earth Repair Summit, 10/23/22: Indigenous Wisdom Panel

Led by Ilarion Merculieff, from Alaska, the panel included indigenous people from Canada, the US, Colombia, New Zealand, Africa, Peru, and more. Some highlights follow. (There's more, I'm just including a few paragraphs here.)

"Elders say that indigenous systems will heal the Earth. A big ceremony 

in union will allow energy to travel to all hearts…a global gathering

for global healing and transformation. Search inside for our answers; go
to the roots/the ancestors. Listen to the mountains, the wind, the
earth, the fire; call the Spirits and receive answers. Ancestors speak
through trees, wind, water in symbols and signals which we must learn to
read. Open the eyes of the heart-–hear the words of Mother Earth.

Quantum physics is about vibrational fields. There is a negative
vibration of capitalism and colonialism. Align with positive vibrations
of nature and spirit via ceremonies. Don’t wait for governments to
change or lead, they won’t act fast enough to avert climate chaos, so
we must act ourselves.

First people elders are gathering with one intention, embodied, with
help from the Spirit world. Universally, we have freedom to choose. The
Spirit world cannot help us unless we ask. Achieve harmony with
existence, then get powerful answers!

Re-indigenizing our colonized minds: heal ourselves (it’s unselfish).
Restore balance, listen to Mother Earth, return to authentic selves.
Natural disasters are caused by un-expressed human emotions. Mother
Earth is black in her fertile soils, feeding us. Yet we fear darkness.

Four prior worlds were destroyed by humans; only first peoples survived.
We need barter, trade, sharing, healing songs and healing herbs. Create
alternative economies. We must prepare for hard times, humans have
little time left to act."


  1. Hello,
    Action is needed now! It is a good idea to prepare for hard times ahead. Take care, have a great new week!

    1. Yes, at the COP-27 there are many affected countries asking fervantly for help from the industrial ones who are doing the polluting.

  2. Interesting, but a bit naive. Perhaps we need to sue the pants off the polluters

    1. There really is no oversight governing the action of the polluters...and they continue to own the people who are in office (at least in the US).

  3. Replies
    1. True, and perhaps the new emissions of CO2 map which Al Gore just made available will help the industries start owning up to their lies. See tomorrow's post.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.