Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Just lovin' the flowers


Wordless Wednesday!

OOps, adding some words!

Went for a walk this morning before the sun was too hot. It's now coming in the windows, so I know it's tilting away towards equinox in a few weeks. 

Made an eye appointment for yearly exam. Delayed quite a bit from my usual Feb. date. But I was dealing with various sicknesses then, and so I hope Oct. will work out. That's because of the barbecue sauce I liberally squirted over my beautiful salad at lunch time. After washing off all the lettuce, blue berries and tomatoes, and losing much of the feta crumbles...I did find the Raspberry dressing. Why on earth did I keep squirting barbecue sauce all over the salad? I'm such a dork! So I figured I didn't read the label at was where Raspberry dressing usually goes in the door of the fridge. But now I'm worried that I'm not seeing everything very well. Oh, if only that were the problem! I also worry about my brain fog.

I just wrote the last of my journal entries...which are somewhat repetitive of events in the blog. Nobody wants to wade through 7 summaries of my days. So I'm back here, doing blog entries a few days before they are posted.

Today's quote:

There is a great longing within each of us. We long to discover the secrets and mysteries of our individual lives, to find our unique way of belonging to this world.



  1. Hello,
    Your flowers look beautiful. I like taking my walks early in the morning too. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I think I missed "early" today. Slept in a bit! Hope you have a great day!

  2. ...there can never be too many flowers.

  3. Lovely flowers. I hear you about brain fog. I have zero motivation. We've been a bit cooler.

    1. The cooler air is great if it also brings lower humidity. Here a cool morning is like living inside a cloud, with fog rising off the mountains. Hopefully the humidity will go down a bit soon.

  4. Uh oh. I can imagine that combination would not have tasted well.

  5. Lovely flowers and a wonderful header photo!

  6. Such beautiful flowers. Always a joy to see them!

    1. Me too, I look through old photos and see how many flowers I've enjoyed!

  7. A colourful, cheerful addition to my day.

  8. Is it irritating when you have to put on your glasses just to see what’s in a bottle? And when you’re washing your hair especially… Shampoo bottles should be a different shape than conditioner.

  9. The flowers are lovely, Barbara, and fall colors are the best! I hear you on mistaking a bottle which is why there are reading glasses in every room. Cataract surgery was great for distance, not so much for close up reading😕


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