Thursday, September 8, 2022

Blue Ridge Roadrunner

 Yes, that's his name. The Toyota 08 Corolla that is now in my name! 

I purchased it on Wed. late in the afternoon...fortunate that one of my friends could drive me across town to buy it.  Then it was blessed (baptized?) by a rain storm as I drove away, and I did get on the wrong road, not having anyone to help me know where to turn. I was driving in unfamiliar territory and it was raining. Anyway, it led me along to the right road home. I went a stint along the Blue Ridge Parkway and asked the car what name would suit it. And that good old Blue Ridge came up saying Roadrunner. So perfect after just having had a Toyota called Grey Hawk, and before that Yoda's all in the family!

I've been really fortunate to have friends from church who helped me get out to look for a car. And for the two weeks I've been home-bound, all kinds of help getting rides or groceries brought to me. I love my dear friends! There will be some goodie baskets for those who helped so much!!

I not only talk to my cars, I talk to the traffic barreling down a wet street, also barely seeing anything...and tell them, please don't hit me, please don't hit me! I eventually had a big enough space to turn into the traffic, whew. Never completely relaxed until I got home though!

And now I have to learn how to use a cruise control! Wow, a gadget I've never had, but it will be so nice on long trips!

It's also an automatic transmission, so I can let my left knee have the peace that it deserves after all those clutches it's pushed at every gear change through the years. In the 70s-80s I had a Chevy Van with an automatic, V-8 with big everything because it was a conversion van for living/camping. It had power steering and brakes that really was great with those huge van tires.

This little car supposedly has some power in the steering, but it's new tires make it a little tight in turning on slow corners. Hope that loosens up with time.

As my friend drove me to purchase it, she said she'd been driving for 61 years. Then I had to figure out back to when I got my driver's permit at 16, and that's 64 years. Oh my!

I bet you're figuring out how long you've been driving right now!

Today's Quote:

I will remember that what has brought us up from savagery is a loyalty to truth, and truth cannot emerge unless it is subjected to the utmost scrutiny -- will you not agree that a society which has lost sight of that, cannot survive? -Learned Hand, jurist (27 Jan 1872-1961)


  1. Hello,
    Blue Ridge Roadrunner is a great name. I have a silver Toyota, that I love. Congrats on your new car. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Super. Love these sweet Toy-otas! Have a wonderful Thursday...

  2. ...I hope that you will have many safe years with Blue Ridge Roadrunner!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, there really weren't many in that price range, so I'm especially thrilled.

  4. Congrats on your “new” car, Barbara, and wish you many great trips together. I have a 2007 Jeep Liberty and affectionately call it “Libby” and speaking of new tires, I just had them put on this week. Great to have such helpful friends help in the car search too.

    1. I love her and am learning all about some of the push buttons on the console. A bit confusing. Yay new tires! I just packed up some thank you bags for my friends who helped such that I coul do this. If I'd rented a car (because I didn't have it on insurance) it would have taken some of my precious pennies!

  5. Hurrah for you and your new car! Log may he endure!

  6. Aha, Roadrunner... Meep Meep! Watch out for Wile E Coyote 😎

    1. Yes, I do say Beep Beep over here. There are still some Coyotes out there to beware of.

  7. Nice new car! Welcome home, Roadrunner!

  8. We hadn’t named cars until our last two.Then we had Harriet the Chariot and Hermione the Honda.They were both black CRVs: a 2003 and a 2010.

    1. How cool those names, and I would have loved to find an older CRV...but none seemed available here.


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