Thursday, September 1, 2022

Happy September!


Probably not this month! Our leaves usually turn in mid-Oct. Because we haven't had a drought, we may not have as much color as areas who had drought this summer.

See, I can write short blogs too! Maybe more tomorrow!

Today's quote:

George Santayana said "There are books in which the footnotes or comments scrawled by some reader's hand in the margin are more interesting than the text. The world is one of these books."


  1. ...the colored leaves are like a second spring.

  2. It’s arguably the best month of the year, weatherwise at least.

  3. Fall is here in NH for sure. Temps to dip into the 40s tonight which means will start turning. By the way I know you comment on John's Stargoose and Hanglands blog. He hasn't posted in a month. Wanted to put a comment on there asking if he was all right but thought I'd ask you instead.

  4. This morning has a lovely hint of cool in the air.

  5. A fortunate and healthy September to you…………suzi

  6. I love September. It's the month when the summer fog lifts here and we get to see the beauty of the skies and the leaves begin to change. (I like your new header, and I miss the one you've had up for a while. What a beautiful view that was!)

  7. I love the seasons. We usually lose leaves in October. That photo is lovely!

  8. Beautiful scene! Wishing you a great month.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.