Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Some views of friends and a favorite restaurant

 When having a lovely luncheon with friends last Saturday, most of them refused to have a photo taken of themselves.

When I asked Bette if she'd let me take a selfie with her, this is what she did.

Then she was brave and let me see her smile. I reminded her the last time I took her photo had been at the Pisgah Inn in the spring. She smiled more then...and proposed another trip there. 

I said, I had to buy new horses to take us!

There are changes being made at Ole's.  Roof over the garden part of the patio...rather dark but maybe cooler.

Glad that tree was finally didn't look long for the safety of the restaurant.

This is what I've been doing all weekend...

They are selling quickly, I I doubt that I'll see these exact cars when my friend M. takes me looking at them Monday.  By the time you read this I'd happily amend it to say I've got a new car.

Today's quote:

George Santayana said the famous phrase: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


  1. Hello,
    Cute photos of you and your friend. I hope your car shopping is a success. Take care, have a great day!

    1. No car yet, alas! Thanks for good wishes, and the same to you!

  2. The butterfly decoration stands out.

    1. There is some artistic Hispanic blood in this restaurant!

  3. I just read a piece on Flickr about how popular outdoor dining is becoming. I am sure that some of it has to do with COVID, but it was gaining in popularity even before. Locally, I have seen patio dining in pretty unfavourable spots, like by busy corners.

    1. My friends and I do prefer outdoor dining, and will certainly push that choice when we have to shiver in coats a few times. We will miss seeing each other as much during winter months (Nov-Feb here)

  4. ...I don't look forward to replacing my 13 year old vehicle.

    1. Not much fun...and even the insurance guy said the pickings were slim these days. Lots of reassurance there!

  5. Replies
    1. There have been many flies bothering me at another outdoor venue...and yet another. So at least two restaurants need those fly sticky strips!

  6. It's nice to see you dining outdoors with a good friend. We haven't gone out to eat in years. Maybe if there was a good restaurant where we could eat outdoors like that we would try it.
    Good luck with picking a new car.

  7. Your header photo is outstanding. I hope you find the right car. I’m looking for a new car and the Internet is showing me car ads constantly.

    1. I'm so tired of "Big Google" knowing everything about me. I recently was on the phone with a pharmacist and mentioned a new diagnosis I have, and the next day it appeared on my Facebook ads. Sometimes I'm more tolerant than others. Thanks...and good luck to another car purchase!


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