Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Welcome Summertime...First of June!

 Rabbit rabbit, to those who like to wish good luck to everyone on the first of anything!! May each day of June be enjoyable, no matter what the weather!

A young friend said seeing the blue on his wings showed he was young still.
Once again I don't know the name of a flower...These were many small plants (about 2 feet high).

Some geraniums and coleus. We were walking through the Arboretum at Asheville NC.

I like noticing pretty patterns, and this tile work was quite pleasing.

We heard music, and the guitar and flute were sitting here playing "Let's all Gather at the River."

Yes, this was my only selfie for the day...I was much more interested in looking at the rhododendron still blooming, and Mt. Pisgah in the distance.

A very nice arrangement of plants in this round tiered planter.

A pretty variety of Salvia

Pink petunias and what I call Million Flowers...they come in so many colors, and are related to petunias.

Helen found a sweet plant to enjoy.

The Russian Sage. We could just pinch a leaf and have a bouquet of sage to enjoy!

The first of the Dahlias we saw...
More lovely plants will be in other posts!

Today's quote:

"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.”

Albert Einstein


  1. weather came early here!

    1. We're in the 80s today and tomorrow. Ugh! I'll have to remember this when it gets in the 90s!

  2. A lovely collection of photos.

    1. Thanks, I hope you're one of the blogs I read regularly...not sure...

  3. It’s my second white rabbit of the day. I’ve never been aware of this tradition until just recently.

    1. I only discovered that saying when I moved to Appalacia...maybe 17 years ago. Guess it's spreading all over now!

  4. Hello,
    Happy June to you! The gardens are beautiful. Love the cute bunny and the pretty Swallowtail. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Glad you enjoyed my small critters...of course I borrowed the bunnies from the internet.

  5. Today is very cool. High in the 50s only. Not familiar with your rabbit, rabbit tradition.

    1. Oh my goodness! What a variety we have in temperatures! I walked a bit this afternoon without hat and sun block because fortunately clouds came over just in time! I used to think the rabbit crowd was like a secret society...but now just lots of folks do it (and I sure never got invited to the secret society!)

  6. I'm a sucker for bunnies ... but then, I've never had a garden for them to munch. And I love that tile work.

  7. Lovely! Thank you for sharing a delightful place.


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