Monday, March 14, 2022

View near the bridge of Flat Creek


March has had some nice sunny days. It's kind of nice, but we know the weather may still give us a winter punch. This last weekend we had snow again.

But one day I did take some time to walk along Flat Creek in Montreat. I've shared more photos before...I love taking pictures of the water and rocks!

Looking downstream from the bridge...

and looking upstream... the family with children were looking for the path which goes all the way into Montreat where there's a playground on the creek, with lots of fun things to do in and out of the water!

Today's quote:
Life is an adventure in forgiveness. -Norman Cousins, author, editor, journalist, and professor (24 Jun 1915-1990)


  1. Hello,
    I love the pretty views of the creek. Looks like a nice day for a walk.
    Take care, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

    1. Hi Eileen. Glad to hear from you here today. I hope to walk around that creek again soon. Hope you have a great week!

  2. ...what a lovely spot for a walk.

    1. Thanks Tom, I enjoy looking at the creek, and the trees which shall all be having green tips on their branches toon.

  3. I love seeing that creek there. It must have such a lovely sound as it rolls and flows over the rocks.

    1. Now I will have to go back and pay attention to the sounds of the creek. Thanks for suggesting that.

  4. It looks like a fine place for a stroll.

    1. It's not very far from the bridge to the little falls that's in my header...but I can stretch it out for maybe 15 minutes.

  5. That's a nice place to walk and enjoy some nature.

    1. It is, though as I mentioned to John, it's a very short stroll...and much of it has little to see but trees and rhododendron bushes.

  6. Walking along a creek usually can be fairly level unless the path is not cared for.

    1. It's not all that level because we're walking up hill as the creek tumbles down from higher up. But there must be some level of maintenance. They did replace the old bridge railings.

  7. Rocky creeks are great because they clean the water.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.