Sunday, March 13, 2022

Those whirling winds, snow and no electricity!

 Last Saturday was one to hunker down for. Snow and cold temps were planned, and sitting inside.  I did have some chores mapped out. That was before the electricity was off for 2 hours, then back on for just 15 min. and off again for another 2 hours.

Big winds will do that where trees and lines may be pushed together. But this was a main line in Black Mountain, taking  out about 1400 homes and businesses the first time, then just my hill of apartments the second time.

When the elec. came on again the first time, I started a bath of just hot hopefully keep the lines from freezing...and maybe have a warm enough room eventually. But now I'm going back to sitting in bed and reading, since this won't even be downloaded after I type it probably. Without internet, I don't know how much is available here.

So second time I've sat back down, and am eating a bagel and drinking a fresh cup of coffee.  I did walk over to the mailbox (at the office building) and found a brutal wind. A guy talking on his phone said the large buildings had power, and just the ones along the hill didn't.

I started the car and sat in it for a while...looking at the mail.

Now I'm about to do my nebulizer, which hopefully will clear out my lungs so I won't have the horrible hacking that my cough has done all morning.

So this was March 12, the last (hopefully) snow of the 21-22 winter.

What I can't portray is the gusting wind that roars down the mountain, or up it. Never can tell which way it's going, and that's why a tree fell against the power lines.

Today's quote:

If we aren't clear about what we want in life, it won't be able to find us.


  1. Hello,
    we got around 4 inches of snow yesterday, the wind was awful. Our power was blinking on and off all day. I hope the snow is over now, time to enjoy Spring. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

    1. Yes, we have definitely arrived at the place of waiting being almost over, spring is nigh. Thanks for your wishes, and the same to you!

  2. No fun to be without electricity, eh? I don’t remember when we last had an unplanned interruption. I think there was a planned one sometime last year for a few hours on a Sunday as they did something or other.

    1. It certainly interrupted my plans, and I finished the book I'd been reading. But that's why I'm grateful for the constant availability of electricity, as well as our dependence on the internet!

  3. It used to happen frequently when I first moved here, but whatever the problem was it seems to be rectified now. Roll on summer!

    1. I'm happy today has a full sunny feel, and will start our warm up. Yes...summer will be here before we know it.

  4. I do hope this is the last snow of the season there and warm spring days come.

    1. It was a big storm, but we only had the lower edge of it. I imagine many trees were felled which didn't hit power lines.

  5. It's scary to lose power--but it's all too common in these storms. Hope all is back to normal now!

    1. I had planned to do one thing, and had to do another. A test of my own flexibility!

  6. The winds do so much damage! Spring is coming!

  7. When our powere goes out it is usually because of the gusty winds. We lost power only a few times and I am grateful for that. Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Thanks and I agree, gusty winds are usually our cause for power outages. Or many days of rain, which can loosen roots, again bringing trees down against wires.

  8. Back in the fall my building lost power, but only for less than an hour.

  9. We had high winds and I kept my devices charged but fortunately the power stayed on.


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